(no subject)

Mar 26, 2008 21:05

I haven't updated in a while. I've been here, but. I was busy. Or something.


Matt and I are going to go to America and England like we planned before ... well. Just before. It's going to be exciting!!

I think we timed it well too because the other moron's being kidnapped by his vaizard lover people again.

Renji and Kyouya have gone crazy and Badou was always crazy, but then Haine-san's brother is crazy too and so I decided to write poetry to express my feelings about them. Well okay, Kyouya was always crazy, but really, who plays 303 games of Scrabble?

I'm not cutting ANY of this because I don't believe in hiding my artistic genius!!

1. In the Land of the Biffles

There once was a bunny person named Badou,
Giovanni really liked his shoe,
Giovanni had sunglasses and Badou had smelly cigarettes,
And everyone thought that Badou also had tourettes.

They liked to pretend that they were full of hate,
But Rukia knew it was fate!!
So Badou said "Let's be biffles!"
And Giovanni said "Sounds spiffle!"
And so Rukia wrote them a poem and drew them as bunnies and they thanked her for it later. ♥


2. So Very Pink

There once was a redhead named Matt,
Who posted a secret about Hitsugaya-taichou as a cat,
Matt didn't believe Rukia would make his goggles pink.
So she did and they looked pretty and really made him think,
"Maybe I do like pink after all! And Rukia ilu ilu ilu let me buy you juiceboxes forever!!"


3. We Need Lives

Renji and Kyouya were big morons,
Who had no lives because they were huge bore-ons,
Renji thought about stupid orange glasses,
While Kyouya played Scrabble and skipped classes,
And they should both really find hobbies or Rukia is going to kick them seven ways to Friday and then force them to go shopping with her because P.S. there's a new Chappy video out. ♥


4. An Unhealthy Relationship

Ichigo loved Shinji's creepy grin,
And Shinji liked to get kicked in the shin,
They had a really weird hate-love thing going on,
Since they're both loud and creepy and annoy a ton,
And Rukia didn't listen to Ichigo's cry for help as Shinji stole him for their three-week romance because she was having fun in America. ♥


5. Needs More Paper Bags

Said Envy to Misa "I look like a tree!"
Said Misa to Envy "You look better than me!"
And then people screamed as they saw their faces,
So they stuck on paper bags so as not to get hit by maces,
And Rukia laaaaaaaaaaaughed and laaaaaaaaaaaaughed and didn't sign their paper bags. :D


Maybe I should be a poet too. But art is my passion! Maybe I can be BOTH and honor both Soul Society and the human world with my talent.

I wonder if Itachi and Mello got eaten by a whale. I bet they didn't taste very good.

I'm out of juiceboxes.

Edit: I was going to write one about the vampires, but I was afraid they would eat me. I'm too fragile to be eaten! D:

poetry, i should be an artist!!, art, fandom post, beautiful colors

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