(no subject)

Oct 07, 2007 17:16

I'm only doing this because a certain stupid shop owner threatened my Chappy collection if I didn't. And I value Chappy's life and know Urahara's irritating enough to ACTUALLY follow through on his threat. I sort of hate everything.

Title: What Happens When Sweet Little, Ill-Fated Shinigamis Are Forced Into Servitude Against Their Will
Word Count: 404
Warning: Disturbing and really traumatizing mental images lie beneath the cut

One day, a small, sweet, and horribly ill-fated shinigami was cleaning a stupid almost-dead store called Urahara Shoten because the shop owner was clearly not a creative type of person. Anyways, this cute little shinigami who, for the sake of story, we'll call Kuchiki Rukia, was serving as a slave to the stupid shopowner because an orange-headed moron, who will get beaten to the ground once this story is over, decided that putting Rukia up for a slave action would be an absolutely HILARIOUS thing to do instead of, as we all know, the traumatizing and quite cruel act that it actually was.

Anyways, that's not the point. The point is that the shinigami was cleaning outside of the shop owner's room when she heard a familiar voice from inside. Now, Rukia did not usually take to opening the door to the shop owner's room for fear that he would actually be inside and find her staring in and, so, she'd actually have to TALK to him, but today she was feeling rebellious and the voices inside did not seem completely scarringly intimate or any of that rubbish.

So she opened the door and look inside and found the shop owner looking at himself in the mirror and, probably, looking at the other person in the room whose confused and stoic face reflected in the mirror as well.

"They do not look right on you. :|" The other person said.

"But my hat looks perfect on you, ne~?" The stupid shop owner said, touching his hands to white things in his own hair.

"OH. MY. GOD." Kuchiki Rukia said, staring at the green-and-white striped hat on her brother's head and the hair noodles in the shop owner's hair.

"Ah, Rukia-chan~ don't you think I look sexy? ^__^." The shopkeeper said, procuring a fan out of NOWHERE and fanning himself with it.

"....:|" The other person said.

"You two are gross," Rukia said and wanted to run away. But before she actually did, she decided to add, "That hat clashes with your scarf, Nii-sama. And your kenseikan probably have Urahara cooties in them now. Ew. You can get me a new pair when you decide to pass them onto me, thanks."

Then she slammed the door shut and left to go and be traumatized somewhere else while the shopkeeper and her brother probably made out and did Stupid Things.

And someone somewhere probably thought it was romantic, but Rukia didn't. Ew. Gross.

The end.

324 hugs, 451 high fives, 39 heart-to-heart conversations, 672 mentions of TMI about Nii-sama, and 1 forced "ByaUra" drabble later, I'm finally free of Urahara.

Just to be stuck in the woods with a stupid redhead who decided OH SO INTELLIGENTLY that sticking in every single wire and plug imaginable into the camper thingy at the SAME TIME would be an AMAZING idea.



Don't ask me how my laptop is working without electricity. Do I ask you about the weird things that happens to you?



I hear something rustling in the bushes. skfdjhdsk jfhkjshfkjh D:

Matt. If that's a bear or ANYTHING bigger than a rabbit, I'm FEEDING YOU TO IT.

i hate everything, i hate urahara, drabble, i'm going to kick matt in the face, fanfic thing

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