evil!Hinamori/evil!Rukia log

Jan 31, 2007 22:04

Log is private; No characters were there to see, etc. etc.

Who: evil!Hinamori and evil!Rukia with a brief appearance by wibbly!Aizen!
What: Rukia goes to Las Noches to fight with Hinamori and.........resolve UST. -___-
Where: Las Noches
When: Yesterday

+ klajsdlihaslidhasdih to paraphrase the lovely Kiyuu and add Snuzz style capslocking: EVERYTHING THEY SAY MAKES IT SOUND LIKE THEY WANT TO DO EACH OTHER ROUGHLY AGAINST A WALL. lkasdhhasdhkausd asgdkuasgkuagsd

+ We have no idea where the UST came from, but man. UST.

+ evil!Rukia is kind of a slut. Does anyone else find this ironic, considering what she's usually like? :||

+ Kiyuu and I aren't in love with character torture. Really. :|

+ If you read this log, you will get feelings. Or be weirded out. One or the other.

+ *________* Poor Ichigo and Aizen. :\

Hinamori looked up from the book she was reading, raising an eyebrow as she sensed a strange reiatsu appear in front of the castle. "So she's finally here..." She said, grabbing Tobiume and heading towards the castle gate.

Rukia worked her way to the gate of Las Noches, hands fingering the hilt of Shirayuki. She was in the mood to fight and fighting with Hinamori? Well, wouldn't that be fun~? She sensed the other woman's reiatsu approaching the gate as well and smirked.

"She came out to meet me. How sweet."

Hinamori pushed the large doors of Las Noches open, grinning as she spotted Rukia. "It's about time you got here, Kuchiki. I've been waiting so long, I thought I'd have to come see you in the human world."

"Did you really, Momo-chan? I'm so honored. Almost brings tears to my eyes," Rukia grinned in return.

"Alright, let's cut the crap." Hinamori unsheathed her zanpakuto, still grinning. "Tobiume's eager to fight a decent opponent. The last half-decent person we fought was that bastard Pride."

"I'm more than decent, Momo-chan," Rukia smiled, taking Shirayuki out of the sheath. "But let's see how good you are."

Hinamori dashed towards Rukia, keeping her grip on Tobiume firm. At the last second, she used shunpo to move behind her, raising her hand and muttering "Bakudou 1, Sai!"

Rukia had been watching Hinamori dash towards her, but had kept herself ready in case the other girl tried to pull something like this. She managed to twirl out of Hinamori's way and jump to the side, while raising her own hand. "Hadou 31, Shakkahou!"

Hinamori laughed. "Is that supposed to impress me, pulling off a spell like that?" She raised her zanpakuto. "Hajike, Tobiume!" she brought the transformed blade down, launching a fireball to meet the spell.

"Well you don't think I'm going to show you everything at first, do you?" Rukia smirked back. She pointed Shirayuki at Hinamori and released it into its initial release state. "Mae, Shirayuki!"

Then she grinned. "Tsukihiro, Shirayuki!"

A large circle formed around Hinamori.

Hinamori raised an eyebrow, staring down at the circle. A second later, she jumped out of it, just before a large pillar of ice formed around the spot she had been in. "Heh... impressive." She said.

"Oh you jumped out of the way. That's no fun," Rukia mock pouted. Then she positioned herself for her next attack. "But don't think that's all I can do, Momo-chan~"

Hinamori laughed again. "You know..." In a flash, she had Rukia pinned against the white marble wall, both Tobiume and Shirayuki discarded in the sand next to them. "You would make a wonderful arrancar...too bad you can't though..."

"Oh, would you like me more as an arrancar, Momo-chan~?" Rukia asked, still grinning at the other girl. "But shinigami have more fun anyways, you know. Or has living in Las Noches made you forget?~"

"Maybe~" Hinamori said. "You'd probably be a lot more obedient." Laughing, she leaned closer, her face mere inches away. "And what exactly do you think I forgot, Kuchiki~?" she purred.

"What fun is obedience?" Rukia said, her eyes glinting. Then she smirked. "Would you like me to show you, Momo-chan?~"

"Considering Kurosaki's a damn pansy right now, I thought you'd realize how much fun controlling someone like that is~" Hinamori said. "And sure, show me~ I doubt it's anything I've forgotten though~"

"Only for the juiceboxes. I have other people in mind, Momo-chan~" Rukia said. She meant Kaien, but she left it up to Hinamori to think what she would. "I don't know that I believe that, Momo-chan, but I know one way to find out~"

Smirking, Rukia leaned up and kissed Hinamori on the lips. Hard.

Hinamori raised her eyebrows, slightly shocked, before closing her eyes and melting into the kiss. One of her hands curled into the fabric of Rukia's uniform, and the other moving up to get a firm grip on her hair.

Aizen slipped throught the front doors of Las Noches, having sensed the conflicting reiatsu at the front of the castle. As he stepped out into the desert area, he looked around and his eyes fell on two familiar girls in a rather compromising position. His eyes widened as he was immediately thrown off guard.

"Momo-sama?! Kuchiki-san?! Wha... What is..?" He was nearly flialing as he attempted to think of a coherent response.

Rukia had lifted her own hands to grip Hinamori's uniform and was leaning into the kiss when suddenly she felt a reiatsu approach and almost lose control as a voice squeaked rather close to them. She immediately broke away and her eyes widened slightly as she saw who it was. "Aizen," she said blankly, almost sneering. And then she looked back at Hinamori and the situation they were in. "Shit."

"Sousuke..." Hinamori stepped away from Rukia, turning to stare at the man in front of them. Straightening her robes, she said "I thought you went to sleep a few hours ago."

"Well... I was going to.. go to bed.." He said a little shakily. "But I sensed reiatsu out here and I was worried... and..." He flailed his arms a little bit, losing his coherency again. "What is going ON??"

Rukia moved away from the wall and wiped her lips with her hands. "I was refreshing Momo-chan's memory," she said indifferently before walking to where Shirayuki lay on the ground. She sheathed Shirayuki and then picked up Tobiume to toss back to Hinamori.

"Wha.. what do you mean? Refreshing her memory of what?" He looked at Hinamori confusedly. "Are you and Kuchiki-san...?" He blushed and looked back and forth between the two of them.

"Don't listen to what she says, Sousuke." Hinamori said firmly as she walked over to him. "Just... drop it." Finally turning to look at Rukia, she said "I think you should leave now, Kuchiki."

"As if I'm going to stick around to watch you two be digusting together," Rukia rolled her eyes. "I have to go and meet someone worthy of my time now, but maybe we should continue this another time, Momo-chan~"

Rukia gave her a contemptuous smile before she turned and walked away.

Aizen still looked rather confused and he approached Hinamori, glancing at Rukia oddly as she left. "Momo-sama... maybe I should just forget this." He looked rather disoriened as he walked back to Las Noches with Hinamori.

"Just pretend this never happened, Sousuke." Hinamori said. She stopped, grabbing the front of his robes and pulling him down to eye level. "And don't you dare even think about telling another soul about this." She hissed, glaring at him.

He squeaked a little bit and nodded at her. "Yes ma'am... Momo-sama." He said, stuttering nervously. He blinked as she let go of his collar, and obediently but with slight caution followed her back to the castle.

flaily aizen ftl, kiyuu and snuzz are kind of evil, hawtt, hinamori/rukia wtf?!, bust into las noches, pinned against the wall, so much ust, aim log, evil!hinamori, evil!rukia, *___*, snuzz doesn't do femmeslash

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