Log is private; No characters were there to see, etc. etc.
Who: Nell and Rukia
What: Eating Ice Cream and being cuuuuuuuuute
Where: Ichigo's kitchen
When: After Nell banned Mello from her journal :OO
Notes: ajksdhkajsdkausgd Nell is kind of a pile of ADORABLE. :3
Nell: *comes flying down the stairs!* ITHE CREAM??
Rukia: *looks up from behind the refrigerator door* *smiles* Chocolate or Vanilla?
Nell: *crosses eyes and sticks out tongue thinking* *still thinking* *still thinking* Ummm.....
Nell: *thinkthinkthink* Vanilla?
Rukia: Good choice. I think we have some chocolate syrup too. And some sprinkles. Would you like sprinkles, Nell? :D
Nell: Thothe are the coloed thingth???
Rukia: Yes! They make your ice cream rainbow colored if you swirl them in.
Rukia: *takes ice cream and sprinkles and chocolate syrup out and puts them on the counter, closing the fridge behind her* I know you do. That picture you made for Matt was wonderful, Nell. :)
Nell: *grins and bounces into a chair* Nell had fun coloring it! Nell thinkth Matth would like riding Bawabawa! Maybe thomeday he could ride with Nell??
Rukia: *scoops ice cream out into bowls and stops to lick some melting ice cream off her finger, staring thoughtfully at Nell* Maybe. I don't think Mello would like that, though.
Nell: *frowns* Mello doenthnt like a lot of thingth, doeth he? *stares at ice cream*
Rukia: *sprinkles on pretty rainbow colored sprinkles onto each bowl of vanilla ice cream, then reaches for the chocolate syrup* Mello is.....a bit.....upset at the moment. *mutters* And completely ridiculous.
Nell: *COLORS COLORS COLORS BOUNCE* Matth ith upthet too though. And Mello kepth thaying mean thingth to Matth. ;___; Nell doethnt like it! Heth not NAITH.
Rukia: *pours on a glob of chocolate syrup in each bowl and then adds another glob for added emphasis because, man, what better way to deal with lameness than by tons of chocolate?* Mello isn't being rational at the moment. You should try not to talk to him, Nell. *puts a spoon in each bowl and pushes one over to Nell*
Nell: *grabs bowl with excitement and digs in!* Nell doeth try... *eat eat* But he KEPPTH THAYING MEAN THINGTH. In Nellth journal! Tho Nell made him go away. Nell liketh that better. :D *eat eat eat* *dribble chocolate sauce down chin* *giggle* Ith Matth going to be happy again thoon?
Rukia: *puts away ice cream carton and sprinkles and things and pulls a chair up next to Nell at the counter* You made him go away? How did you do that? *frowns* I....hope so.
Nell: *stops eating and tilts head at Rukia* "BAN" *pronounces word caaarreeefffuuulllly* NEll couldn't burp on him.
Rukia: *raises spoon to mouth and then stops and blinks at Nell* You banned him from your journal? *blinks* *mutters* Bet he didn't like that. But maybe that's for the best. *continues eating ice cream* I don't think Matt would like it if you burped on Mello, Nell.
Nell: *stares at* Thath why Nell couldnt burp on Mello. Cauth Matth thaid it wathnt a good idea. "BAN" thoundth like "BANKAI" though, tho Nell thought it would be good! *swirls sprinkes in bowl*
Rukia: *eats some more ice cream and then stops and stares at Nell* *giggles* It does, doesn't it? You have quite a unique way of thinking, Nell.
Nell: Yeth! *beams and shovels more ice cream into her mouth* *man, lots of ice cream!* Thankth Rukia Thinigami!
Rukia: *puts down spoon and pushes bowl away* *ruffles Nell's hair instead* Would you like to share the rest of my ice cream with me?
Nell: *looks at empty bowl* *looks at Rukia's bowl that still has some left* *grins madly and nods, almost bouncing off the chair* NELL WILL HELP RUKIA THINIGAMI FINITH!
Rukia: *puts bowl between them and picks up small spoonful of ice cream* So when are you going to the amusement park with Matt?
Nell: *trying not to gobble it all down and share nicely* Matth thaid thoon! Nell ith thtill really exthited. :D Matth thaid amuthement parkth ith loth and loth of fun! *vies for the best colored sprinkles [green!]*
Rukia: *tries not to laugh at Nell's super!excited...ness* *pushes the bowl completely towards Nell* Here, you can have the rest. I'm not too hungry anyways. If Matt is too....busy for a while, you should try making Ichigo go with you. That boy needs to get out more as it is.
Nell: *goes stabby-eyed at the ice cream* *blinks* But Matth ith taking Nell to the amuthement park! Could Ichigo take Nell somewhere elthe fun??
Rukia: *watches her in amusement* How about the Zoo, then?
Nell: *scarping teh last of the ice cream and sprinkles from bowl* Whath "Thoo???"
Rukia: *uses finger to scoop up ice cream that is melting down side of the bowl and licks it off before giggling at Nell* It's where they keep all sorts of animals, both grown up and babies. And it's colorful and there are lots of people there and you can see tigers and bears and snakes and fishies too. :)
Nell: *blinks* *eyes go really big* REALLY???? *drops spoon back into bowl even though there's ONE GREEN SPLRINLE she'd been saving for last left and bounces off the chair* *runs out of the kitchen!* ICCHHHHIIIIIIIGOOOO! ICHIGO ICHIGO ICHIGO!!! ICHIIIIGO! GO TO THE THOO WITH NELL? PLLLLEEEAAAAATHHHHE???? *echos!*
Rukia: *stares after Nell* *blinks* *falls into laughter*
Rukia: Le fin.
Nell: *grandoise bow!*
Rukia: *For the win??*
Nell: *YETH*
Rukia: *Nell and Rukia = Best pseudo sisters EVER*
Nell: *TOTES*
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