(no subject)

Jul 28, 2005 23:48

Name: erika
Nickname: erkie, erk........ on and on
Single or Taken: taken =)
Sex: girl
Birthday: 9/10
Sign: virgo
Siblings: nope
Hair color: dark brown (or as elle would like to say "blue")
Eye color: brown
Shoe size: 9-9.5... depends
Height: between 5'5" and 5'6"
Innie or Outie: in between
What are you wearing right now: tennis sweatpants and badminton tee... i <3 my racquet sports
Where do you live: hamden
Righty or lefty: righty
Can you make a dollar change right now: yup

Who are your closest friends?: theres about 6 of them and they are amazing beyond belief

Do you have a bf or gf?: yes i do
Best place to go for a date: hmm... falafel king ;)
Fashion Stuff
Where is your fav place to shop: nordstrom or old navy
Do you have any tattoos or piercings?: ears
Colour: greeeeeen
Number: 2 idk why
Food: i can never answer this question....
Boys name: chad farcas.. haha meg
Girls name: umm
Subject in school: math
Animal: flamingos and others
Drink: ginger ale
Celebrity: dont have one
Sport: tennis and badminton =)
Veggie: broccoli
Fruit: kiwis

Fast food place: it has changed.. taco bell
Place to visit: nyc
Month: september
Singer/s: lots and lots
Show: still love friends... the oc...law & order svu...dh
Juice: guava
Finger: thumb
Ice Cream: i like ice cream
Breakfast: challah french toast
Perfume: i dont like perfume too much but i gess id have to say bcbg something or other

Favorite cartoon character: woodstock
Have You Ever
Given anyone a bath: yes
smoked: nope
Bungee jumped: too scared
Broken the law: nothing major

Made yourself throw-up: eww no
Gone skinny dipping: nope
Been in the opposite sex's washroom: yup
Eaten a dog biscuit: nope
Put your tongue on a frozen pole: no but to other things yes
Ever loved someone that made you cry?: yes
Broken a bone: nope
Played truth or dare: many times
Been in a physical fight: yes.. only with meg though
Been in a police car: kind of.. long story
Been on a plane: yes
Been in a sauna: for like two seconds
Been in a hot tub: yup
Swam in the ocean: yeah
sea: no
Fallen asleep in school: yup
Kissed your cousin: uh no
Pictured your crush naked: yes
Ever had a sex dream: lol yeah
Broken someone's heart: i doubt it
Cried when someone/thing died: yes
Flashed someone: haha that goes back to the truth or dares from elementary school
Lied: yess
Laughed so hard you fell off your chair: haha many times
Sat by the phone all night waiting for a call: no
Saved MSN conversations: aim convos yes.. the twin soul one that scared the crap out of me is a classic
saved e-mails: i dont delete many of them
Wished you were someone else: ive wondered what it would be like but id rather be me
Wished you were a member of the opposite sex: only once a month
Made out with JUST a friend?: no
Been rejected? not to my recollection
Been in love?: i am now
Been cheated on? no
Done something you regret?: chemistry
First Thing That Comes to Mind
Red: hearts
Blue: sky
Happy: face
Autumn: leaf
Cow: moo
Greenland: polka dot
What Is
Your good luck charm: green rubber bands
Stupidest thing you have ever done: wouldnt you like to know?
Whats your room like: well this one is light blue with clothes everywhere... the other one is lime green with clothes everywhere
Your crush: khalid
Your most prized possession: the last birthday card my grandmother gave me
Last thing you said: la la la
What is beside you: a picture of adam brody
Last thing you ate: chips
Fave song: my newest fav song is "erika"...added to the ever growing list
What kind of shampoo do you use: herbal essences or brilliant brunette
The best thing that has happened to you this year: khalid and making tennis capt
Have You Ever Had
Chicken pox: nope
Sore Throat: yup
Cold: yeah
Stitches: no
Bloody nose: no
Do you
Believe in love at first sight: i wish i did
Enjoy parks: indeed
Like picnics: yup
Like school: eh... i prefer the people not the school part
What schools have you gone to: spring glen... hms...hhs
Hate anyone: um a couple
Would You:
Eat a live hamster for $1,000,000: im scared of them so no
Go to a hanson concert if you had a free ticket: if i wasnt alone sure
Kill someone you didn?t know for 15 billion dollars: wow thats a lot of $$ but id have to say no
If you were stuck on an island, what person would you want with you: i have no idea
If you loved someone and u were keeping something from them and it would hurt them if they found out, would you tell them: depends on what it was...most likely yes though
Who will send it back: what?
Who is the last person that called you: my mom
Who was the last person you slow danced with: haha steffy
Makes you laugh the most: everybody does that
Makes you smile: khalid
Can make you feel better no matter what: any of my friends
Was the last person you touched?: me
You talked to last: khalid via aim
You hugged?: my mom
Messaged: khalid
You Kissed?: khalid
You yelled at: myself
broke your heart?: ...
told you they loved you: khalid
Is your loudest friend: theyre all loud at diff times lol
Do You/Are You
Do you like filling these out: sure
Do you like yourself: yup
Do you get along with your family: usually
Do you do drugs: no
Color your hair?: nope
Have piercings below the waist? ouch no
Habla espanol?: a wee bit
Stolen anything over ?50?: nah
Smoke: nope
Obsessive?: on occasion
Compulsive?: on occasion
Anorexic?: noooo
Depressed?: rarely
Suicidal?: no
Final Questions
Girls - what do you like ? Guys fill this out accordingly to yourself
Boxers or briefs: boxers
Older, younger, same age: older
Tall or short: tall
Good or bad guy: good i guess
Ear pierced or not: nah
Stubble or neatly shaved: eithers fine
Studley or cute: haha studly's a funny word
Dark or blonde hair: dark
Curly or straight hair: dont care so much
Dark or light eyes: preferably dark
Hat or no hat: depends on the hat
Long or short hair: short
Tan or fair: tan
Freckles: eh.. no
accent or not: oooo accent
What do you notice first about guys: smile and eyes
Shy or outgoing: in between
indoor or outdoor: both
six pack: sure
muscular arms: yes but not too much
Jewelery or none: none
What do you like the most in a guy: funny, smart, great smile
Guys - what do you like ? Girls fill this out accordingly to yourself
Regular underwear or thong: thongs are dumb...this is the conclusion ive reached with phetus
Painted nails or not: sure painted is good sometimes
Bra or sports bra: bra
Dressy or casual: depends
Dark or blonde hair: brown hair rocks
Long or short hair: medium
Curly or straight hair: straight
Long or short nails: medium
Good or bad girl: is there no middle ground?
Hair up or down: down or half up
Jewelery or none: jewelry can be fun
Tall or short: medium
Pants or dress: dresses are fun too
Freckles or none: none
Shy or outgoing: depends
indoor or outdoor: both is good with me

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