Jul 26, 2006 00:49
I'm reading this book my uncle gave me "It's not how good you are, it's how good you want to be." by Paul Arden. I don't like the book at all...here's an example of why:
"Find out what's right about your product or service and then dramatize it, like a cartoonist exaggerates an action. For example, you know a horse can jump a ditch, therefore you accept that it can jump the Grand Canyon. This realization accelerated my career faster than anything I have learnt since.
Providing there's a basic truth in your idea, you can dramatize it to infinity.
Here's an example:
A radio commercial for suntan lotion. An Englishman's voice tells of the product's benefits. As he talks his voice gradually changes to that of a West Indian man.
You know a suntan lotion won't make you black, but you accept that it might make you brown."
pg. 34
This commercial is based on racial stereotypes...as if all Englishmen are white--even the comment on why this commercial is brilliant is intuitively offensive.