
Sep 11, 2005 09:49

Hey folks.

I decided to look for a journal/community like this after the wailing and moaning about pets during Hurricane Katrina. People were so upset with the rescuers/military who wouldn't allow pets to come along. Oh, the cruelty. Blah, blah. I think for me it was reading about the family who wouldn't leave without their pets, and the pets all ended up drowning anyway, while the family got trapped in their attic where the grandmother subsequently died... all because they decided to stay with the dozen animals rather than EVACUATE.

I have no interest in having pets. I had them when I was younger - a dog, parakeets, gerbils, a mouse, fish - everything but a cat (I don't "get" cats or why people gush over them). Now I have two young children of my own and my husband and I do not want any pets at all. On occasion we have to pet-sit my brother's dog for a couple days and that's the most I want to deal with pets at this point.

If I try to explain this to people they look at me like I'm crazy. How can I not like animals?! How can I be so, so callous? But I think I've grown to where cleaning up after an animal's food and messes (and dealing with its inevitable death within a relatively short time) has zero appeal to me. At least the kids grow up, can converse with you, can learn, and my kids have been more a source of joy to me than any of the animals I've ever owned.

So, yeah, that's a little about me. Thanks for having this community. ^_^
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