The last month or so

Nov 11, 2005 22:48

Hya everyone! Hope some of you are still alive. XD

I've well, I've been good really. My life is mostly full of Work, World of Warcraft, DDR, UFO: Aftershock and if Fred has his way, Civ4 which means I'll have no life! >_>

Works been going well, got a new line manager and he seems not to bad really. I get along with him quite well and just managed to convince him I need a TFT. :)

I went on a short trip at the weekend with a friend called Claire to visit, Lollaboo. Things didn't get off to a good start. -_-

The plan:
-Get train at 5:02pm to Glasgow Queen Street being there around 5:40pm
-Meet Claire at 5:50pm and walk from Queen Street to Glasgow Central
-Get the train at 6:20pm
-Arrive in Coventry around 11pm ish
-Get taxi to Laura's

What actually happened...
-Train was 10min late, so never left till 5:12pm but got there for 5:50pm to meet Claire.
-We waked to Glasgow Central, made good time. Got there about 6:05pm.
-Waited around for 5min then they put up a since saying "Replacement Bus service to Preston".
-Found out what that meant and got on the bus...
-3.5hrs ish later we get to Preston
-We are all litterly kicked off the bus and left in the station and no one wants to tell us whats happening
-Takes them till 10:10pm ish to tell us we need to wait till 11:25pm for a train to Birmingham
-2am, train pulls in...
-3am, we arrive in Birmingham to be told there wasn't a train to Coventry and we'd need to wait for a taxi
-3:30am, taxi finally arrives and we head for Laura's
-4am, we get to the Uni but he hasn't a clue where to go so he just drops us off. We phone Laura and she comes hunting for us
-4:30am, we finally meet each other and head to her place
-5am, we collapse...

Didn't quite go as planned and the journey back up was better but was far from 'acceptable'. -_-
Next time, we drive down!

Appart from the travel problems the weekend was really good. I had a great time. We watched the whole of the BBC version of Pride and Predujice which I've wanted to see ever since I seen the recent film. I learnt how to cook raw chicken! But we generally just hung out and had fun. It was good. :)

Ahhh WoW. It's been really fun of late. Ever since I hit lvl 60 a few months back I've been doing raids and such all the time. The funnest one ever still has to be my guilds lvl 1 nakid gnome raid of Orgimaar! We littered the place with dead gnomes, it was so funny! You have no idea what it was like to have the horde panicing as a plague of nakid gnomes run through there city.

2 Characters to look out for in the screenshots, Loleylol who was Fred and Námi who was me.
We got a teleport to Darnassus, this is us all running for the boat (I was leading the way btw).
This is us just going through the Barrens. We had started to get quite a crowd of Horde following us and suprisingly most of them even protected us! Oh, I should mention we play on a PvE server.
You see that horde in yellow (PvP enabled) and 2 seconds after this a lvl 60 Allience rogue spawns and 1 shot kills him! >:)
This is use just about to charge into Orgimaar. Again, we've gained even more attention. :)

We all ran in, and got stuck in the tunnel. The guards had alot of fun with us. ;_;

But we respawned and had another run!

I was in the first wave so I never really got that far but if you look at the building on the left you'll see green dead bodies including Loleylol's in the doorway. :D

Some of us went for a 3rd run, quite a few managed to make it to the top of the bank and were dancing around for a few min before some bully killed them. Personally with Fred already having tagged the Bank I went after the AH. I got right in the doorway but forgot to get a screen shot. :(

It was by far the best and most fun raid we've ever had and it got our guild alot of attention on both sides. I think we had 3/4 people join us in the end.

Well I think I'll end it there, I've bored you all enough.

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