An entry....quick get a camera!

Apr 18, 2005 20:02

Well thanks to being bugged by certain people I've tried to but together a entry of some sort.

Before anything else though I'd like to point out that I HATED! my last entry, "I suck at making new friends". That's all it said which wasn't at all what I wasn't it to say. *sighs* Anyway...

Well how are things?
Things are interesting. Around xmas I got myself a social life, sort of just fell into my lap but I grabbed it and ran with it. For the 2/3 weeks around xmas I was rarely in the house, I was actually out enjoying myself. Only problem with it was I noticed my commitment to work had dropped. So I tried to sort that and my social life dropped. I'm now going along in 3/4 week blocks on 'Social Life','No Social Life'. It's like a seesaw going back and forth which I can't seem to get balanced yet. Don't get me wrong though, I still like what I have. This time last year I had no social life at all, I at least have something now.

So overall things are doing quite well on the social side that is. Works a different story now a days.

About 2 months ago my director asked me to come have a chat with him. I'll cut a long meeting sort; we have had a shuffle around of job rules in Obvious (company I work for which is actually 76% owned by Stepstone) and I'm now directly responsible for the candidate video production in the company! Since this is the main purpose of the tech department I have always had a senior member of staff controlling it and I was just there helping and advising over this part where as I was responsible for everything else apart myself.

I don't really know how to describe what this means. I now have to manage the production of the company and when candidates are coming for production and coming out and I also have to help manage the days of my team members.

At the moment I'm project managing everything into half day blocks, assigning each block certain work but at the moment I'm finding it to be to ridgide. When something chances the plan breaks! I need to find a way of loosing it up a bit so it can bend a little more freely when something unexpected happens.

Because of my new responsibility its sort of generated a little more stress which at first I really couldn't handle but its getting a lot easier now. It just took a bit of time to sink in properly that I am now recognised as the head of the technical department and I'm responsible for it all.

At work we are also expanding quite a bit, we've got some work going on over in Delhi which I was hoping to get sent out to do but my director went and found a multimedia company to do the video. :( We've also got work going pencilled in for down in South Africa and I'm hoping he can't find a company over there to do it this time as I really wouldn't mind going to South Africa. Ionno, just one of the very few places I actually want to go see. There is also possibly going to be some work in Cali but I can't see me getting sent over there for it. :(

All in all the company itself is doing well, only problem with it in my mind is the fact our Directors sold 76% of there shares to Stepstone. Now Stepstone for those that don't know of them are a fairly large recruitment agency. Now my problem is they don't know how to do recruitment! A brilliant example here, from year on year they loose 80% of there clients! We in our history of our company have lost 1 client. During random conversation one the questions that came up was, "How often do you talk to your client?". The answer shocked the life out of me, "Maybe once every 4-6 weeks." Our project managers are on the phone to the client at least twice a week and in most cases a lot more! How can you expect to keep you clients when you never talk to them!??! How dim-witted are these people?!!? Anyway I basically think Stepstone is full of a bunch of baboons that couldn't recruit a 16 year old kid to work at McDonalds. >_>

Well back to me! What else? Well met Fred, Maria and Juni.
Juni was exactly what I expected. She's this great looking, larger than life Londener but she's TINY!! I've never felt so tall. Thanks. =)
Fred was what I expected as well, we got along great considering both of us can't speak english. :)
Maria, well Maria is this breathe takingly beautiful Swedish gamer! She's a proper hardcore gamer. All I can say is someone up there in the grand scheme of things obviously likes Fred as he's got the male gamers perfect girlfriend! I have to admit I'm very jealous of what they have and it makes me wish I had someone special in my life like that.

Well the highlight from London except meeting everyone would have to be the DDR though I believe the Japanese karaoke bar would have bet it if it wasn't full (for some reason I have a urge to go back there o-o). I got on a DDR machine for the first time down there and I have to admit I really enjoyed it! It was good fun and I want to do it again. :) Just need to find someone I can drag onto one up here.

Other eventful things?
I bought myself a 20.1" TFT. It's drool some let me tell you.
I completed FFX. Currently playing .Hack 1, FFX-2 and Xenosaga.
I watched all of .Hack//Sign which as actually a really good series in the end. Still watching Liminality and Dusk.
I bought myself a new car. I'm now driving a S-Reg Burgundy Vauxhall Vectra. Really nice car! So so glad I bought it and got rid of my escort.
I now have a domain, Nothing much on it at the moment but I'll get around to it some day.
I'm playing World of Warcraft quite a bit. Playing on the PvE server Shadowsong mostly with the characters, 'Rainea' and 'Zoro'.
Finished watching Mai HiME & Tenshi na Konamaiki. Tenshi na Konamaiki had GREAT ending, it was perfect for the series. Mai HiME was well just to 'happy' for my liking. It needed some heart ache and well someone to die to really move your heart. Still a good series none the less.
What else? Oh there was Xenosaga, it was just like the game.

I don't really have anything else to say. I have no idea when my next entry will be but I'm always around. I may not comment often but I do read. Well I have to say if you've managed to read this far your an insane maniac but thanks for reading. =)

I knew there was something I forgot.
Anyone use Skype? My username is 'peteyuk'. Feel free to add me. ^_^
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