^^^^^^^RETARDED PERSON YET AGAIN^^^^^^^tinycrimm08May 15 2005, 22:34:23 UTC
WHO THE HELL R U TALKIN BOUT MY BEST FRIEND LIKE THAT?!?! and have u ever even seen her...bet u haven't. i wanna know who the hell u r right now. so u need to stop bein a lil whoose and come out and fuckin say ur name. cause umm yeah ur just a bitch who talks shit bout ppl u don't even know. heather is FAR from tryin to be goth. and ur fat ugly bitch i bet. so u need to shut ur fat ugly shit talkin mouth. oh and stay outta other ppls love lives cause pt and heather are perfect together and ur just jealous cause u can't get any guy u want cause ur probably fuckin ugly. believe me i WILL find out who the hell u r and u better be scared cause i am NOT scared of any shit talkin girl.
AND omg "she was just talkin shit behind ur back" wtf is that. u dont' talk to her everyday like i do. pretty much every other word that comes outta that girls mouth is bout pt and absolutley nothing bad. so like i said shut ur fat ugly face. and lets actually have pt ask ppl if she's ugly or not....cause sooo many guys don't think so. and i'm done talkin to u but u need to fuckin say ur name.
and to u pt follow ur heart not what some bitch tells u. cause we all know u and heather are supposed to be together. hope u follow ur heart and not ur friends or some bitch says.
AND omg "she was just talkin shit behind ur back" wtf is that. u dont' talk to her everyday like i do. pretty much every other word that comes outta that girls mouth is bout pt and absolutley nothing bad. so like i said shut ur fat ugly face. and lets actually have pt ask ppl if she's ugly or not....cause sooo many guys don't think so. and i'm done talkin to u but u need to fuckin say ur name.
and to u pt follow ur heart not what some bitch tells u. cause we all know u and heather are supposed to be together. hope u follow ur heart and not ur friends or some bitch says.
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