For anyone who may have been wondering what's my situation re. the flooding in Bangkok: as much as I'm averse to Facebook I've posted far more about this over there because I have friends on FB who are similarly affected (or worse), and we're trying to keep each other updated. Don't want everyone else on my LJ Friends List to feel neglected...
So yesterday the floodwater arrived as expected: our last report was that it's now in the street directly outside our place (it's Benji's old house, which we have not yet put up for sale). The water is probably about 10cm deep or more which means it's probably higher than our driveway and flowing around our front door, which is fortunately slightly raised about another 5cm so it may yet get inside if the water gets any deeper. Just about the entire estate of 50 square kilometres is now underwater to varying degrees. It's mostly large rice fields intercut with slightly elevated roads, but the main road a few kilometres away is anywhere up to 2 metres higher so it's now lined with hundreds of parked cars. No crocodiles sighted as yet from any nearby croc farm; like other croc farms around Bangkok they may have to be released if the local flooding gets considerably worse. Here's a gratuitous news photo from last week of an unexpected visitor dropping in for a bite to eat:
Benji and Miles are now in Hua Hin, where it's 100% flood- and croc-free despite being completely swamped with refugees from Bangkok, and with a couple of similarly washed-out neighbours staying indefinitely. Me, I'm in Houston TX where it's drizabone, but I know where I'd rather be.
Ah well, nil desperandum.