August 13 is International Left Handers' Day

Aug 13, 2011 08:27

Yes, I am one, mostly. There are several everyday things I do right-handed, such as cleaning my teeth and peeling vegetables, but I have no idea why; conversely (and notice how I avoided saying "on the other hand" there) my handwriting on a vertical surface is generally neater if it's done with my right. As a kid of the early '60s I caught the tail end of that erroneous fashion amongst British teachers to force lefties to write with their right hands, and I was made to go to the blackboard and pick up the chalk with "the hand God intended us to write with" - just one of the several pathetic reasons for this meaningless action that I can actually remember being given. So it's instinctive with me even today, even though it serves absolutely no function. Did this nonsense happen in other countries too?

So anyway, here's left-hander John McEnroe (my one and only sporting hero) and Belfast's Ed Zealous playing left-hander Jimi Hendrix:

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jimi hendrix, lefties

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