As much as it pains me to do it, I'm switching off anonymous commenting on this journal. I've just returned from a week away and I see you've all taken it upon yourselves to offer me Thai kick-boxing equipment, weight control mints, permanent laser hair removal (but I'll have that laser off you if possible, thanks) and escorts for my next visit to London. As much as I appreciate it I don't really need any of these, and I honestly can't think which of you good people might be spamming me so thoughtfully and conscientiously with services you believe I just might need.
Apart from that, a short while ago this journal also received a couple of vicious anonymous comments definitely from
winterfox, a certifiably pathetic troll who presents herself as an attention-seeking and toxic science fiction fan from Thailand, the only person who has ever directed personal abuse at me on Live Journal, whose faux outrage is transparent enough to be laughable, and who consistently thinks book discussion communities are appropriate places to employ the tactics of a playground bully. Nothing will ever be called a meaningful critique if it's been typed by her.
Hence I'm now regrettably switching on the logging of IP addresses as well. Who needs this shit, honestly.