I Have Seen The Future And It Is Vegetarian

May 01, 2009 10:33

via cambler:

After a month in Blighty and elsewhere this evening I will be returning to Bangkok, still swine flu-free though I hear there are now body temperature scanners at the airport. I have a suitcase full of books, DVDs and childrens' clothes.

As the national telephone company says they can't provide us with a terrestrial line until someone else in the neighbourhood drops out, this means it's back to piggy-backing off a neighbour's wi-fi for the next month, which I don't really like to do. Benji's new MacBook picks up a wireless signal far better than my MacBook Pro, so communication may be intermittent. As penance, for the rest of this month I will be subjected to a dozen barking neighbourhood dogs, too many visits to HomePro, high humidity/temperatures and the travesty that is prime-time Thai television. There is no emergency exit. Actually, this is the future, and I'm looking forward to it.
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