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peteyoung October 2 2005, 07:52:04 UTC
The only Photoshopped picture of these is the Addis Ababa one but that was only to erase some of the flare, which is particularly difficult to avoid when shooting through scratched aeroplane windows. It was too good a picture to let it be spoiled by bits of stray light, but I kept some of the flare to the left of the sun because it throws your eye back into the rest of the picture. Flare is a pain in the ass, when photographing the sun at the edge of fast-moving clouds or on an ever-changing horizon you have to capture it when it's not too weak and not too bright which, when you're doing 500mph, gives you no time to plan a shot's exposure. I have plenty of well-composed photos of the sun that have too much flare that I wasn't quick enough to avoid.

Re. clarity, at altitude there is a greater amount of ultraviolet light which is why most photos taken from planes have a boring blue 'flatness' with little depth. Getting an exposure right is difficult and when you only have time to compose a picture and no time to adjust for white balance, it usually has to be left to chance. But these days, with care you can correct just about any obvious colour deficiencies with software to give a weak picture more impact if the composition is right. I use a digital Canon EOS 30D, either with a standard 18-55mm lens or a 75-300mm zoom.

Re. your trip, I've never been to Russia and in China I only know Hong Kong, so my available knowledge would be minimal!


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