Life in Jyväskylä, Week 2

Sep 28, 2008 21:31

I didn’t know at first what exactly to title this entry, I figured I would just write and see what came to my mind. Ironically, the moment before I was about to begin typing my friend from New Mexico wrote me on Skype, asked me how I was doing and how Finland and the program was treating my old party habits. I kind of laughed and then suddenly sighed, not really knowing how to answer her question.
Ali had been with me pretty much since the beginning of my time in Germany starting last September. If there was one person who pretty much knows absolutely everything that I had done during my time, it would be her. I even remember we left Germany to go back the United States on the exact same day. She had slept at my place the night before, we got on a bus, took a train to the airport together, and then gave each other a huge tear filled hug as we departed through separate security gates.
How does all of this relate to my second week in central Finland? Well, for starters, I think about everything. I really did have a fantastic week filled with new friends, new events and experiences, and even new expectations, all of which I will describe shortly. However, the great theme overlapping all of these great things happening is the strong sting of friends and family at home. Those whom I have known for only a year to those I have known since I was born. It really is not a homesick feeling, but rather a very deep nostalgic pondering. It seems that every night before I close my eyes I relate everyone I meet and every event that happens to something that has previously occurred in my life.
To begin, I went to my first hockey game with a Finnish neighbor of mine, Marwan. He is an absolutely wonderful person, full of energy and kindness, and he always is trying to help me out in any way possible. And not just me, he has already gotten my friend Karoline a TV, a Digi-box, and I think he lent her the 5th season of Smallville, which is one of her favorite TV series. He set me up with a ticket in the standing area behind the home team’s goal, and we cheered throughout the whole match. It was wonderful, people all around loving the game of hockey as much as I have my whole life. I learned some cheers, I lost my voice, and in the end the home side, JYP, came from behind to win in the 3rd period 3:2. I do not believe one can ask for much more than that.
After words, I was originally planning on meeting up with friends from my program and just relaxing at one of the local bars. Unfortunately no one was really in the mood for meeting up and it seemed that I would just be headed home. Oh no, Marwan had other plans. He took me to his sister’s boyfriend’s birthday party. Haha, I can still remember how awkward I felt first walking through that door; I was the only American, heck, the only non-Finn in the whole place!
I felt so strange at first, but the Finns welcomed me with open arms and open beers. They were just absolutely wonderful and so much fun to hang out with. I could not believe this was happening considering all the rumors I had heard about Finns in the past. We partied together until late in the night, and when it was time to go, they were giving me hugs and asking me to come again anytime. I really did have a truly wonderful experience.
Now, what is strange about this night is that as soon as I got home, I closed my door and got onto my computer to check some emails and skype with a few friends before going to bed. I do not know how or why but suddenly, just like being dropped into a tank of ice filled water, I felt so far from anything I knew. It was as if I had made all these new friends at the party and I had shared a wonderful night with many new faces, but all of a sudden it was just this hollow feeling. I really do not know how else to describe it except, as if everything on the outside looked excellent, yet everything on the inside was simply nonexistent. One could even say it just have no true meaning, because now, in this moment, I just wanted to be back home with the ones I have loved for so long.
The same goes for my new soccer friends, for my new program friends, for all those who I meet and great every day. I enjoy so much having them around, joking with them, struggling with them, dancing and simply living with them, but I find it so hard to really connect with them. I know it may sound strange but I make friends easily, but I do not always like to.
That being said I really up to this point still would admit I really have only one truly great friend here, and that is Karoline. If I honest to God am supposed to talk about my interactions here in Finland, I feel like any interaction that is actually of merit has to have her in it. She has really been there for me every time I have needed someone just to relax with, to have fun with, to get work done with, or even to cry with. I know that is a lot for one person, but I feel her and I really do have a strong connection, that we understand each other very well and when one is so far from home, that connection is really needed.
I guess I do not like to compare those I meet to the friends I have already made, but it is extremely difficult. It is constantly as if everyone I meet her is judged by my mind instantly, and put at a lesser value than the friends I have made in the past. That is not to say it always happens, but more often than it should. Anyway, I guess I feel that Karoline is truly the one person so far that just has kind of dug herself a little hole in my heart, because I know I care about her greatly. She is a great friend now, and I believe she will be in the future.
Lastly, I just miss Germany. As simple as I can explain it, all my friends in Germany from last year are constantly asking me how things are going and how life is, and it makes me just anticipate heading back home to see them as soon as possible. I do not want to skip what I have right in front of me in this moment, but I cannot help but think about those who have already affected my life so much already. Finland’s Winter is coming, and I think I will need my friends then more than ever.

"All my loving...I will send to you..."
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