Apr 02, 2012 11:12
Wow. It's been a while, hasn't it? Like... years. So what's up...
Well, Anime Boston is this week. I'll be in a few events, including COSPLAY DEATHMATCH on Friday. I hope I can progress past the first round this time. Last Deathmatch I was in it was Raven versus Belarus, and I totally got stabbed. :(
I've taken up Homestuck, after several months of hearing it and scoffing. I've also experienced bits of the Homestuck/Hetalia fandom war... putting the "dumb" in fandom. I honestly don't get that shit. Sure, they're both the cancers that are killing cosplay, they're both the new "Narutard", but I don't see why they have to fight so. And this is speaking as a cosplayer from both factions. Beyond understanding that shite.
I found Tumblr... I'm equally silent of original thought on Tumblr, though at least that account posts things... the reblog function is nifty. Don't really look at Twitter anymore, not that I ever did to a large extent, but it's linked to my Youtube account, so it probably spams everyone. I keep getting emails from Linkdin or Linkedin, I'm not sure what it is, but apparently people are "inviting me to be friends" on it, and... I don't have an account, so I'd have thought those invites'd just go away, but they keep sending reminders. Weird.
convention update,