(no subject)

Nov 09, 2004 19:55

So today i turned on the lightswitch to my room and i hear all this scattering and i look at my closet and i could have sworn i saw a Koala bear infestation but I just wish they would stop and let me grab them i mean this infestation is so much better than cockroaches. I want australia to export a few to the US and i will apprehend one and hold it and pet it on its furry head. Sooooo soft and fluffy like cotton candy

FUCK my grades where horrible i want to post my comments from teachers so you can laugh at me actually i will just post my photography teachers comment.

Peter is a very good student with a vision for photography. He is a force to be reckoned with.

Thats right bitches and gents I am a force to be reckoned with! i dont know how or why but reckon me.
also i love the fact taht i have almost the highest test and quiz average in my math class but i have teh lowest grade because quote (mrs. peterson) "why havent you turned in any homework assignments this quarter?" (me) becasue i dont understand the questions? Mrs. Peterson "but you do so well on the tests!" (me) i dont know how i do taht well but its fine with me!

i drink so much milk youd think i would be able to dunk on shaq but no instead I dunk on fisher price the toys r us exclusive version, on average i got through about a gallon of chocolate milk a week by myself. Thats ridiculous who else do you know drinks that much (and if you do know anyone dont tell me so i can remain the champion). just like this guy http://www.skipfoot.com/main%20site%20pics/HTFM%20Pics/Sid.jpg i love funny people!

This a portrait of me on the weekend! i hope you enjoy teh picture http://www.realfunnypictures.com/pictures/funny-pictures51.jpg
I should probably shave...

well on that note (i tooted) haha just kidding OR AM I

I want to play Halo 2 but i also want to go to college and my mom is making me choose much like this choice
this one is probably more important but I still want to play halo God God damn't Damn't i really hope i dont have to learn my aa's bb's and cc's (inside joke)=not for you MOTHER FUCKER

hey i found a spoon, you can have...wow taht really worked

My friend asked me if i wanted a frozen banana, I said no!, But "I want a regular banana later, so YEAH!"
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