Dec 06, 2004 09:09
ODDITY- jarons dad and my mom went to Junior High together. I found jarons dad in my moms 8th and 9th grade yearbooks. Corkran 1973 and 1974, he went to Old Mill while my mom went to Glen Burnie. He probolly would have gone to glen burnie but Old mill opened for students in 1974. They didnt finish the building completley till 1976. (*oohs and aahhs from audience*)even more random than that...he wrote in my moms yearbook which according to the parental units; you wouldnt just let anyone write in there, they had to be friends or best friends of friends...that made no sense. you had to know the person! lol
BUSTED- yeah me and mary got owned in the library a few minutes ago by a natzi librarian. it was funny though...! yeah computer 6!!
BOWLING- yeah i went to the Xmas party my work had and i won the worst played game. 42. i got a mug. I used it this morning! put a latte in it and it stayed warm for hours. yesssss.
Much Love