had a major life re-examination the other night. decided i wasn't happy with the way my life was going in regards to certain self-destructive things, so i'm trying to turn it around.
things i want to do more:
- write
- read
- take pictures
- exercise
- learn how to play guitar.
in other news, i got my cast off today, thank god. i had to watch the guy pull out my stitches, which was pretty gross. i'm not big on things going into my skin (needles, IVs, stitches) but i've had an unnecessary amount of all that lately (4 shots of novacaine before they tried to place 4 IVs)
anyways, here's a picture just to gross you out. you can't really see it all that well, but it was ugly.
so yeah, cool.
been a frustrating couple of days, i'm working on making it a little bit okay for now.