DEFINILEY stole this from caitie.
1. When you're home alone, do you still close the door when you use the restroom? Absolutely. I probably lock it too.
2. If you have to go grocery shopping, would you rather go alone or with someone?: Alone. I'll end up buying eyepatches or...ponies if i go with someone else.
3. It's your best friend's birthday, do you buy them a gift even if they didn't buy you one on your birthday? Yes. Unless I secretly hate them. (caitie's answer, but works for me)
4. You win the lottery. Lump sum or small payments over a period of time?: small payments. i'm all about rationalization. i'd probably waste too much of it if i got it all at once.
5. Do you like your music loud or at a reasonable level? depends. for example: kelly clarkson? WICKED LOUD SO EVERYONE CAN HEAR.
6. Are you a beach person or a snowy mountain person? BOTH!!
7. Do you brush your teeth? yes. i think i have OCD. i'm afraid of germs. and i hate the dentist, so any reason to stay away from people touching me. ew.
8. Can you watch scary movies alone? probably. but its just not as fun.
9. Soft bed or firm? not so soft that i'm swimming but not so hard that i'm lying on concrete.
10. Would you rather stay home all day or be out and about? depends on my mood. sometimes i do this thing where i HATE EVERYONE. or other times i just want to prance around, smeagol and explore!
11. What's one of your worst memories?: the night mom told me ms audet passed away.
12. Do you like to keep the peace or be confrontational?: confrontational, but not about stupid things. i can be mean if i or someone i care about has been wronged.
13. Are you more likely to be with a large group of people or a few close friends?: Few close friends.
14. What are your plans for June? graduate, graduation parties, smeagoling, go to the cape, WORK.
15. If money were not a problem, where would you like to live?: hm... i don't know. i haven't travelled enough. probably california. i've never been there but i feel like i'd belong. or the cape.
16. What is your ideal profession? WORKING FOR DISCOVERY CHANNEL.
17. Are you close to your Mom and Dad?: AWWWWWYEAH.
18. What is one fear that you can't seem to overcome?: Losing someone I love.
19. Are you good at math?: ehhhhh depends what kind.
21. Is there anyone that you regret ever meeting?: bill clinton?
23. Would you rather have roomates or live alone?: Roommates but have my own room. And a puppy. (caitie's answer is my own.)
24. Do you like any of your friends a little more than just a friend?: yes. male friends. and if kelly clarkson were my friend, also yes.
25. Do you like to drive?: yes. i prefer to. i hate buying gas though. eh
26. Favorite channel?: DISCOVERY CHANNEL.
27. If you found out that you were going to be a parent, what would you do?: right now? probably jump off a cliff.
28. Do you give money to homeless people when they ask?: no. i'd rather buy them a sandwhich or something.
29. A weekend in Las Vegas or Miami? ven conmigo a Miami.
30. When you go to the store, do you have a list or just buy random things?: well i don't grocery shop, so usually i know what i'm going in for... AAARGH EYEPATCHES
31. What do you wear to sleep in?: Boxers, tshirts, tank tops
32. You have 3 months left to live, what do you do? Travel everywhere in the world that I ever wanted to see and tell everyone I ever loved just how much. (yes, thank you caitie) oh and, i'd do all of these things; 33. You're having a bad day, what one thing can make your day better?: food and hugs
34. Who knows you the best? Caitie, Lauren Leary, Kirsten, Kaelin, Haas, Denkins, Katherine, well...anyone. i talk too much.
35. Is there anything you would change about your body if you could?: Yes, get rid of my childbearing hips. they're like big salad bowls sticking out of me.
36. You wake up in an unfamiliar place, what is your first reaction? what the hell? MOM. STOP WATCHING SO MUCH DESIGN WITH PANTS THAT YOU CHANGE MY ROOM WHILE I'M SLEEPING. GOD.
37. Is there anything that you should be doing right now? making a cast list for haas and i's senior one act, studying for english ap...not....pigeons.
38. If there was a way to know when and how you're going to die, would you want that information?: No. unless it was being eaten by a dinosaur or spear'd by a unicorn, because then i would brag to everyone about it. (suckers.)
39. What is your favorite breakfast food?: i don't really eat breakfast, but when i do, mom's scrambled eggs, bacon and a half bagel with butter.
40. Your phone rings at 4 a.m., who do you expect it to be?: caitie, phillips drunk orrrr well, anyone who's drunk.