Nothing in particular...

Aug 02, 2005 11:45

I despair in the fact that when I try to accomplish a great feat, I always fail miserably, and then I never get up, or try it again.

I'm going to be really bored this whole month. I have no sports going on, and nothing else really in particular...I'll have to call a bazillion friends to keep me occupied.

And once again, my life falls into a chasm that seems never-ending, forever deep. I want to get out, but I can't, and no one comes to save me.



I'm such a geek because I need to test my tags. :P

And, above, what you see, is probably mood swings. Take no mind to it. But now I'm slightly irked because I have to take French in school, after taking a year of Spanish. I know NOTHING about French, and I'm going to be hopelessly lost this whole year.

Well, at least we know one class I'm going to fail.

nothingness, random, life

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