May 14, 2005 14:24
Well like 2 weeks ago I was in arizona . IT was awesome I was having so much fun I got to climb down the unoffical west rim of the grand canyon and I was like 20 feet away from the colorodo river I couldnt go any more cause nothing to climb down I was standing on a cliff . But it was awesome the south rim was ok it was very windy. We hike like 5 miles of the grand canyon and then we could go any more cause the wind. The north rim was shut down the roads had like 2/3 feet of snow I was like ok We saw it from a helicopter it was pretty cool. We went to momument valley there these huge stones that get weathered from rain and wind and the look like stuff I didnt want to leave artist point i wanted to draw the veiw but IT was getting late. We started driving back to phoenix and it was sleeting. I was like what in the hell. It was a nice area mostly desert and stuff but all in all the trip was fun but still bummed i had to come back lol