Jan 10, 2008 09:22
Well, although last nights entry seemed like a good place to leave off i realized that there is definitely more that can be said about things. There have been a lot of things on my mind lately, mostly work related, and only because, since i started working with children I developed a skin disease. I think that if i told the people that I work for that I couldn't work there because I have a skin disease and basically I got scared off they would understand. But the thing is I'm not sure if i wanna quit both jobs. I could use the money but the question is really the time. If i worked at the cleaners i would work more on the weekends, which is good because the time i would be working is the time that I never use to do homework anyway. I would only work one real school day a week which is a good thing. I have to keep my grades up, its the numbers that are important this year and I am going to do everything in my power in order to keep them as they are. Also there is a class on saturdays, at Bayside with the tutor that i wanted that prepares for the Math B regent. I would rather go to that than make money. The only thing is that the reason that I need money, is not for clothes or to go out. It is for Daddy to let me go to the program at Yale for three weeks over the summer. I requested information on it and the stuff that I have already seen looks awesome. I really hope that can get in, and that Dad will let me go. This can be an amazing summer, but for three weeks I can go away and study film. Although I have a lot of friends that are going away it would still be an amazing experience. I'm not sure what I wanna do though because being away, no matter what I'm doing, sounds like a vacation. Not to mention if I like New Haven it might help me with my college search. The other thing is that I would have to talk to Karen.
Karen and I have been at least discussing for so long, me coming to California. The only thing is that at this point I think that it would be a trade off. One or the other kinda deal. Because if i wanna go to the program at Yale I have to start giving my dad money every week, creating less money to go to California, and travel is expensive! Well, there are things that I know i need to go, but the thing is that I can go to California another time, or even Later in the summer for a few days. I can make this summer unforgettable because by June all the debts for the Yale program will be paid. Maybe in August I can go, and the little i can save while paying for Yale will add up and I will have enough for a plane ticket. Well gonna get brainstorming. I have a lot to thing about because Dan might be leaving this summer too! But I hope not! Hopefully he will get into CW post and he will live at home. and drive and whatever. It sounds like something he would like. Either way Paul will still be here along with everyone else who is not a senior now.
And of course this spring, the College Search Begins!