Council of Elrond -> NH Republican Debate... or at least that's what I saw

Jan 06, 2008 19:43

Luna: McCain reminds me of a hobbit btw
Marcus: cause he's old and crazy?
7:35 PM
Luna: and small
Luna: hehe
Luna: he reminds me of bilbo
Marcus: see, now that you say that i'm expecting him to sometime in his campaign go "Today is my elventy-first birfffday!!"
Marcus: all drunk like
Luna: the entire republican debate reminded me of the council of elrond
Marcus: the one ring being the presidency?
Luna: thompson-gandalf, i dunno who the hell Paul is, other than stupid... maybe Boromir... but Romney was very Boromir-esque... then the elves, Huckabee and Giuliani
Luna: yus
Luna: maybe Giuliani can be Aragorn
Luna: lol
Marcus: lol so right before the presidency, Giuliani will revel himself to the be rightful heir to the presidency, claming it and thus saving the world? sweet
Luna: yup... and McCain will go take a nap... Romney will die in a valiant effort to save McCain... Huckbee with be leaping off of the limos and rescuing Giuliani at random moments while Paul gets killed because he's expendable
Luna: maybe he's Smeagol
Luna: ooooh! Or Pippin!
Marcus: lol
Marcus: this is by far the most interesting way to talk to anyone about politics.
Luna: *grins*
Luna: yeah
Luna: the democrats are boring
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