Feb 08, 2008 07:18
((Crossposted from InsaneJournal))
Happy New Year!
Hopefully, it's a bit smoother this go-around. Last year was just 'meh'.
I was sick enough during the spring that I burned all of my PTO before summer even hit. THAT sucked. Kelson got to spend two weeks with us at the beginning of summer, which was fecking AWESOME, and I just wished he could have stayed longer. However, I just couldn't get the time off work. Birthday was 'meh'. I can pretty much take it or leave it every year now.
What happened to my 20's? I miss them.
Autumn brought a bit more stress, with my kid being terrorized by his teacher during the hours he was at school. This was brought to a head, actually, in January when the bitch finally crossed one last line and had to deal with Hurricane Sasha in response. (GO SASHA! You rock my sox.)
Sasha is Kelson's stepmom, for those who don't know, and she's wonderful.
(Edit) My father died in September... which I didn't find out about for almost two weeks, and then dealt with the aftermath of that for almost a month total. The upnote to that was that it got me back in touch with my uncle whom I hadn't had a relationship with since I was 8, and I got to meeet his wonderful wife and stepdaughter. It's also given me the knowledge that I have a cousin in Erie that dresses up like Jack Sparrow (AND LOOKS THE PART PERFECTLY!).
Late autumn and winter brought about the normal blues that generally hit me during that time of year. Normally, I'm an anti-social wreck, but this year Kelson came home for Yule for the first time in a couple years. It was great! I didn't put up the tree til he got there, and he had fun decorating it. There weren't as many presents as I would have liked, but I enjoyed seeing his eyes light up with everything he DID get from us.
On the work front, last year was a good one. I made it off the phones in March and then made permanent E-share (where I wanted to be) in December. Even though I'd been a 'permanent fill-in' since May.
This year brings new possibilities. I may be moved to a different department here at work, which is just now in the planning stage. I can't say too much of it, but if I get it, I can pretty much work from wherever I want and I will get paid to write and draw.
I'm SO hoping for this.
Fanchild will be coming to visit again this summer, so I need to save up for that. Tax refund was about enough to put half a tank of gas in my car. *Snort*
All in all, this year looks to be shaping up to be much better for me. Here's hoping!
Welcome, the Year of the Rat!