First few days in Manila - Summer 09

May 12, 2009 00:57

I'm re-writing this entry cause the last one got deleted. I now I haven't blogged in a long while but i decided to just write down short entries of my weekly activities so I have something to look at when i return to canada. I arrived last thursday.

Thursday May 7 - arrived at 630pm. Went to mcdo and had dinner with Marco...went home then slept.
Friday - Went to palms to chat with connie, met up with marco and watched Star Trek in Festi.
Saturday - went to justin's house... at lunch there.  Played basket in SJ...went home and slept.
Sunday - Woke up early to go to mass in St Bene, went to Batangas, hung out with marco at his house, played basket at SJ from 9 - midnight.
Monday - Palms to chat, met up with marco for our field trip to Manila Ocean Park, at ate gerry's grill, visited Sam at her house, went home.

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