Oct 06, 2004 04:34
Many many things are depressing me right now and literally making me mentally insane and exhausted beyond belief.
But the one that might be depressing me the most is the corruption of our government and the presidential elections.
Did you guys see the debates? (you should have, if anything for a good laugh, Bush referred to the attacks on the world trade center as the september 10th attacks)
Kerry and Edward's massacred their murderous, idiotic (these are descriptive terms) opponents.
I believe Kerry is our next president.
But seriously, If anyone can find me a Bush supporter who is simply not an idiot or completely uneducated (you know, the ones that still insist that saddham is connected to al qaida even though there self proclaimed 'messenger of the gods' leader said that he is indeed not associated) It will be a first.
I dont have time to go into the issues and the arguments and ideas I support right now, but just ask me in person. (maybe I will right my manifesto here soon)
Im just gonna leave you with one issue.
As of 4 am tonight (EST) the white house released a statement acknowledging that, if the election was held now, Kerry would be the winner, and that Bush hands down lost the debate.
They have now planned a national speech presented by Bush to take place this week before the next debate on friday. He will have no opposers present and he will read off of a TelePrompTer. This way he can try to regain many uneducated americans perception that he actually has a brain. He will use the same useless redirect as usual, there will be nothing new. This is just an example of the disgusting debauchery this administration has and will show.
So please register and vote, especially if you originally are from another state than california. GET YOUR ABSENTEE NOW!!! You only have a couple days left!!
Thank you my fellow passionate patriots.
P.S. AIR AMERICA IS NOW IN THE BAY AREA!!!!!! Its on your AM dial at 960. (Although during the hours from 7pm to 5am I strongly still recommend KGO AM 810.