Jun 07, 2009 19:08
I spent the weekend in Evreux with my parents, sister, brother-in-law and nephew. I saw the huge pond they built at their house, my nephew was all excited his goldfish got a new place to live in :)
On Saturday evening we went to the theater to watch Terminator Salvation (well, my mom stayed home with my nephew but still) and gah, not a good movie. Not only does it not look like a Terminator movie, but there are big plot holes everywhere (even more than random fires in about every shot). The best moments were actually those referring to the previous movies, so... Anyway, we had some fraises Tagada so it's ok. We came home in time to watch the second half of the french rugby finale, I'm glad Perpignan won, the guys really earned it.
Today was Mother's Day, we had a nice dinner consisting of smoked salmon, lobster and fresh vegetables before crashing on the couch to watch Federer win Rolland Garros at last. Then it was time to go vote for the european elections, we brought my nephew with us on his small bike (the ones with a stick in the back to correct the course when it looks like he's goign to crash in the trees on the side of the road).
Oh also I bought a 24" iMac on Friday, I should get it on Tuesday I think :) I had to split the payment in three to be able to afford it, but I'm happy I'll get to throw away all those entangled cables under my desk!