Book Worm

Nov 19, 2007 05:38

I'm bad (or good, depending on who's point of view) for giving away my books as gifts to friends or loaning them out and never seeing them again, so I ordered these books yesterday to replace the ones missing in my collection:

Second Variety: The Collected Stories of Philip K. Dick, Vol. 3 ( a review:

Closer by Dennis Cooper ( about :

and books I have not read yet I bought too:

A Feast of Snakes by Harry Crews ( a summery:

Blue of Noon by Georges Bataille ( a summery:

exciting shtuff!

Joe is coming down to visit me Friday. He will be my first house guest at my new pad. We will watch Alejandro Jodorowsky's film "The Holy Mountain (, drink the beers, listen to the music, and hang out with mutual friend Robyyn.

I found out about a new-ish restaurant in Newton, a neighboring town, this weekend, called "The Artist's Cafe", and they have Greek food. This is exciting. Judging from the website, it looks like an amazing place. I shall have to try it out soon.

Yesterday, I took the mother unit out to lunch. We went to Wild Wok, where I had Squid Salad and Sushi, and where my mother said, "When you were young, you ate nothing but pizza and hamburgers, now you eat squid....I don't know what's worse", ehhehehe.

There is this boy at work. Kinda cute in a dumb sorta way. He's young, I'd guess not over 20, and dresses like he watches too many hip hop videos on MTV. That's gross, but not as gross as the fact he chews tobacco, which makes me want to vomit in his face. I heard him attempting to rap the other day too. People are weird.

There is also this girl at work who has the biggest ass I have ever seen. She's not big either, just has a ton of junk in the trunk. Jesus Christ. I lose myself in's like watching the ocean.

There is also a woman who looks like Ann Culter and even has a rather large Adam's Apple. I'm pretty sure she use to be a man.

I really want to get this picture by Joel Peter Witkin for my living room :, but I can't find any of his stuff online to buy. Any suggestions?

Anyhoo, short work week and a good friend coming down Friday. Good times.
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