
Sep 27, 2007 16:29


I pull his tight pants past his narrow, but sharp, hips. Notice the scar on his right knee, and a thick scab covering his left thigh. Neither of which I left, I promise. From the first moment I saw him skate by on the Square, I knew I had to have him. How old is he? 16? 17? Far too young, I thought. Turns out he's 19. Only 19. I'm fucking a 19 year old again. But, this is not love. No emotions. No guilt. No anything. Only base instinct this time. Desire. Lust. Conquest. He is my tender prey......


I finished my set just a short time ago, woohoo! One might say I was inspired by events over the weekend, heh. As I have stated previously, my "sick" serious of poems are the base of this set, which explores "taboo" sexuality, illness (both mental and physical), and severe insomnia. You know, just your normal run of the mill shtuff.

I still have to buy the "Get Well Soon" cards, which I will have Robbyn doodle flowers and hearts inside of. I'm thinking only a limited number, say, 5, and give them out at random before the start of my set.

This song by Current 93 is fucking amazing. I think it's my new personal favorite by them.

"Inerrant Infallible..." is perhaps the most sonic cut David Tibet and C93 have cut in some time. Nightmarish, visionary, delirious, pondering, in full-on distorted bagpipes and electric guitars, this sounds like John of Patmos laying out the prelude to the Revelation, or perhaps even after, drained, half mad, in exile on an island and prophesying from his own experience. But it's Tibet who has visions perhaps no less profound and terrifying that those credited to the book of Revelation. It's all high sonic drone, feedback, and Tibet's sweet, nasal, slightly out of key voice. The piece needs no drums because it's so pronounced in its rhythmic attack in inverted waltz form." ---Thom Jurek, All Music Guide

Anyhoo, hope you all are having a good week. Someone do a rain dance for us, by the way...sheesh.
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