Aug 06, 2005 10:48
It's my birthday!!
I guess not really a big deal anymore since I am 22 now. I made myself a cake and Gary and I celebrated yesterday. I really wanted that cake and I couldn't wait until today to eat it.
We might go out to eat tonight. I need to go to Harrison and exchange some pants I got last Sunday.
We went to the movies with Julie and the boys and I sat in some nasty gum. I was wearing khaki pants and the bright blue gum didn't look so hot. Plus we had to go grocery shopping and run errands and I was not about to do that with gummy pants. We complained and the managment bought me some new ones. But I wasn't really paying attention and the pants I got are too short and have a little pull in the leg. I didn't think they were too short because I was wearing sandals. Then I got home and was like, uhhh highwaters anyone?
Gary is trying to get a job though Big Lots so we'll see how that goes. He knows someone who is head of all the stores in Houston and I think that will help him out.
I'm leaving for my sister's towards the end of the week and I am so excited.
I might go back to work for Target, I'm not sure yet. I did leave in good standings and I was making $8.50 an hour. I'm sure I won't be able to get that much but hopefuly more than they would normaly start paying you at. I had even thought about working for HEB like my sister does. They pay well and we could work it out with baysitting.
I am just so excited about seeing people again and making new friends.
I have got to get my web site up and running soon. I bought the domain name a couple of months ago so I should at least try to get my monies worth.