Recurring theme

Jun 02, 2021 20:27

It's the start of the month.

This means time for the periodic trolling of me by my electricity provider.

The previous 6 month's initial bills:

May-2021    £ 105.32        
Apr-2021   -£ 3.03        
Mar-2021    £ 987.82        
Feb-2021    £ 81.52        
Jan-2021    £ 1,380.77     
Dec-2020    £ 70.82

There have been a lot of credits and reversals since, but those were the bills I got hit by.

Guess what this month's initial offering was? There's a prize, honest!

Nope. Not close. They gave me £2.50.

Complete mystery.

Sooner or later, this will make sense. I hope.

In other news, the woman who bought the downstairs flat opposite has actually moved in. The sale happened about a year ago, but she didn't move in, because covid.

Yesterday, I planted out hanging baskets and these rather natty planters that hang on railings or fences. I have trailing nasturtiums in some, nigella in others, trailing fucshia, as well as a couple of random astiatic lillies and a small lavender.

For now, the warm and sunny weather we have been having seems to be giving way to somewhat overcast and wind. 

constant gardener, being a grown up

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