
May 29, 2018 21:28

But hopefully not nonsense...

The upshot of half term is that the car park at work was like something from 28 Days Later, which was a joy and a delight.

Sports Council: I'm all set for the AGM. Hopefully it will pass smoother than last year's.

Photography: In a fit of pique at not being able to focus on the moon properly last night, I ordered a new zoom/telephoto lens with servo controlled autofocus. Said lens came today, and I had a play with it this afternoon. It's still quite heavy, and prone to shake at long focal lengths, but it's almost a revelation. Whilst sitting in a chair in the back garden, I was able to take some pics of the flora and fauna, as well as a photo of an airliner thousands of feet in the air.

The plane photos are too fuzzy to readily work out the registration, but that can be deduced, and the airline itself was all too apparent.

In short, it's so far a big thumbs up for the Tamron lens.

A robin, caught in the act of cheesing it.

A Wood Pigeon on the bird bath.

A couple of Magpies. They all seemed to be more interested in drinking the contents of the bath than bathing in it.

A Blackbird, gobbling up the stale bread I slung out there. It's probably all gone now.

A yellow poppy.

Not only has the definition of the images changed with motor driven autofocus, but the things I can capture has changed - I would have missed the robin flying off with manual focus. The colour in the poppy image, as well as the detail on the seed head is pleasing. As for the Pigeon photo - note the cloud of flies doing their thing.

The Nikon lens was good, but this is better.

lenses, learning, photography, garden

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