Title: Submersion
Fandom: Heroes
Pairing: Peter/Claude
Rating: PG13
Word Count: 2721
Summary: In which Peter is passive aggressive, Claude is a codependent asshole, there is a fight and moping and also some dancing and drinking and I guess technically carousing. Basically things end well. Originally inspired by the swimming prompt on Plaude Bingo but then it got all metaphorical so. Yeah. Set post-canon.
A/N: So this was inspired by several conversations, mostly with
englishmuffin2 and
lotus0kid. So blame them is what I'm saying. Also by Modern Family, future!Peter's fight with Niki in "Five Years Gone", and I'm sure something else along the way. My influences are myriad. Forgive the over-writing in the first part, that just happened.
So romantic. )