Title: Down We Go Away
Characters: Claude/Peter
Rating: R
Warnings: None that I can think of that wouldn't be implied by the rating
Word Count: 2262
Spoilers: None. Well, implied for Unexpected but seriously, at this point, I think you've seen that one.
Disclaimer: Not mine, blah blah.
Summary: Shower sex. Among...other things. Claude angsting should just be a genre of its own, I think.
A/N: Now that this is done I will finally be able to concentrate on what I should be concentrating on! For sure! Sequel in spirit to
this fic which was written for the Plaude Summer Fic Exchange. In that it was written at the same time only not finished and I finally got around to finishing it. So if it feels a little disjointed, it's probably...the new stuff not fitting with the old. Also, yay, S1!Peter, I feel so guilty for writing you.
Bring it, old man. )