Author: Del Rion (delrion.mail (at) gmail.com)
Fandom: Heroes
Era: Year 2050
Genre: Drama
Rating: K+ / FRC / PG
Characters: Claire Bennet, Gretchen Berg, Gabriel Gray (Sylar), Peter Petrelli (, Micah Sanders)
Pairings: Peter/ Sylar, implied Claire/Gretchen
Summary: Peter wanted his old power back, went a little crazy and took off. Now that he’s back, will things work out for him and Gabriel?
Written for: Heroes_Contest’s (
heroes-contest) One-shot Challenge 32: Chaos Theory
Warnings: Mild slash & implied femslash (means men with men & women with women), implied (attempted) murder.
“Powers,” Peter said impatiently. “Haven’t you been listening?”
“To your insane mutterings? Not really,” the other man said.
del_rion's previous stories in this community:
To Forget What You Did |
Of Waffles and Love