More adventures in simming

Nov 29, 2007 15:32

More of Sim!Peter and Sim!Mohinder's adventures with pixels.

Life with the addition of Arya was going strangely better than I'd hoped. No house fires or anything. I was proud of the boys.

Still making time for Shanti...

The boys figured out that taking care of the girls in tandem was the best strategy. That way everyone was bathed, changed, fed, snuggled and ready for bed at the same time every night.

It was late at night when these pics were taken. Honest. Mo doesn't really scamper around the house in his Dolce & Cabanna man-panties often.

Tucking in Shanti...

And Arya...

"Ch'yeah. I make hot babies."

Yes, Peter. We know you make hot babies.

Shanti took a strange fasctination with her little sister, that I decided to take as positive, hoping that she wasn't really planning her destruction or anything like that. which is why Angela stopped coming over.

Aww, she's watching Arya sleep -- no wait, that's her plotting face. N/m.

Mo, as always, continues bringing all the girls to the yard. This is Mira Ivy Copur, another research scientist who followed him home from work one day.

The way he's pointing at her makes me nervous as about his intentions for that thermometer.

But then she seems to get a little too close and he puts his hands up in universal Mo!sign for "Eww, vagina. Do not want."

"You're a lovely girl Mira Ivy but I'm married to a nurse. A hot nurse. And he grows his bones back. But it was nice meeting you."

He then goes inside and macks on his man, and all was well in the world once more.

These two are physically incapable of being unfaithful? Why, do you ask?

They think about one another wherever they go, every single day.

Why, Mo. That is...possibly disturbing....

And while her parents were being disgustingly in love and shirtless, apparently in various rooms of their house...

I got bored and used the age cheat on Shanti. Mostly because I started screwing around with some other cheats and accidentally glitched my game so she couldn't age transition at her birthday anymore. Oops.

"OMG YOU GUYS I'm still going to grow up to be a hot-ass!! 8D"

As if there were any doubt, kid. Sexy is written into your DNA. Just ask People Magazine...

And Shanti, as it turns out, isn't just hot. She's freaking awesome.

She loves her dog...

She loves her dads....

She makes her bed...

She takes out the trash...

And she plays chess. She's a Mary-Sue and I love it.

Peter teaching Shanti to play catch. Because everytime Mo tried to teach her Nathan's the neighbor's kids laughed at him.

But Shanti forgives Mo for his lameness, because he gave her his perfect hair and cheekbones, so it all levels out in the end.

Watching Shanti sleep. Mohinder Suresh: great dad, or greatest dad?

sorry molly. shanti's hotter than you, so.

Whenever Shanti plays with her dollhouse, she makes her two male dolls kiss. I'm not even kidding. I love this kid so much.

She even loves her little sister, who she is officially not plotting to kill anymore. D'aww.

While...Peter gawks at Mo's ass as he walks through the dining room.

...Sigh. I hate you sometimes, Peter.

But no time to beat useless horn-dog parents yet, because in no time it's Arya's first birthday.

As is Petrelli custom, the infant is chucked into the air, only to return as --


D'awwwwwwww. Pouting is her default setting. This truly is the spawn of Peter Petrelli.

Mo and Arya.

Shanti and Arya are immediately closer now that Arya is big enough to pack around.


the first person to make an "incest starts early" crack gets punched in the larynx. just saying.

Arya settles in immediately, picking up her sister's long-held past time of playing in the toilet.

Discovering the dog.

Like Shanti, Arya picked her favorite parent early on. In this case, it's Peter. (as if there were any doubt on that one?)

She follows him around the house relentlessly, and cries to get his attention until he picks her up.

They're so cute it gives me cavities. For real.

And yes, I am slightly obsessed with Arya. Why?

I love this kid. So. so hard. x_X

Previous installments:
Part one
Part two
Part three
Part four
Part five
Part six
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