Manhattan, Late Sunday/Very early Monday

Feb 24, 2008 23:40

Peter woke up sometime really really late at night. He didn't have a watch, so he didn't know what time it was exactly, but it felt late. Or maybe that was part of the thing where he had been electrocuted and shot tonight.

He wasn't wearing his mask. And he didn't have his webshooters. And the bed was hard and next to a toilet and and one of the walls in the room was an energy field and that's when Peter figured out where exactly he was.

"Hello?" he asked. He looked around the cell that he was certain was in the Triskelion, headquarters of SHIELD.

"Mister Parker," a blond woman in a suit and sunglasses said. She was flanked by two armed guards. "It's a pleasure to meet you without the mask."

"You must be Danvers. Jess was right. You ARE mean," Peter whined. "I'm back in New York for ONE. DAY. and someone else knows my real name."

"You should keep your mask on, then," Danvers said. Peter realized she had his webshooter when she started playing with it and shooting webbing across the room.

"Hey, the web fluid is expensive," he whined again. He was beginning to feel like a Skywalker. "Can I go now?"

"No," Danvers said. "I'm playing a game. It's not a game I invented and not a game I'm particularly good at. But it's a game that has to be played."

"Is it Hungry Hungry Hippos?" Peter asked. The game didn't seem to register with Danvers. " Four plastic hippos all trying to gobble up this little white ball. Because I kinda feel like the little white ball."

"You are funny," Danvers said.

"Yeah, I'm cracking myself up. Seriously, what's the game?"

"What was your deal with Nick Fury anyhow?" Danvers asked as she wasted more webbing. "I know you had a deal."

"It was complicated," Peter said. "On its best day, he was letting me go on with my life and when I graduated, I would maybe join the Ultimates or whatever."

Danvers seemed intrigued. "Is that what you want to do when you grow up? I'm trying to figure out what I'm going to do with you after Osborn is taken care of."

"At this point I'd settle for just growing up."

"Uh huh. So you go to a boarding school. You have a girlfriend. Parents are dead. You have clones."

"Had, from what I hear," Peter said.

"That must be weird, huh?" Danvers asked.

"Yeah, you could say that. WHY AM I HERE?" Peter demanded.

"What is the deal with Norman Osborn anyway?"

"Oy," Peter said. "Well... How can I put this? HE'S CRAZY. You can examine it up and down and all around all you want. You can look at it from a sociological, economic, even political level. But any way you look at it, he is just plain old out of his gourd! And this crazy gets focused on me sometimes. Or his son, or Nick Fury, or the President of the United States, even. And it looks all interesting when he does it, but all in all... He is just crazy. And then he injected himself with Goblin goo and made himself even crazier! He injected his son! His own son. That's how crazy. And then I went off to school in Virginia and he decided to stop by one day and then he went completely off the grid. Fury found him in Colorado, brought me in, and Fury shot him in the freaking head while we were fighting and he was dead for a year and a half except now he's not! And now he's apparently finding all my clones and killing them. So I'm back here."

"Why are you back here?" Danvers asked.

"'Why?' I was trying to do what I could to help you. Help Jessica Drew."


"Because I can. And if I didn't at least try, I wouldn't be able to sleep at night."

Danvers' phone went off. "Excuse me." Peter couldn't hear what she was saying for the minute she was on the phone, but she turned around excitedly when she hung up. "Okay, kiddo. Game over. We need to AGH!" She was suddenly surprised by a girl in a black and blue costume running through her body.

The girl grabbed Peter's mask and webshooters. "Excuse me. Those aren't yours." The guards began firing at her as she charged the cell's energy wall, but she ran through the wall and the lasers bounced off.

"Kitty?" Peter said as the events of the past second clicked in his brain. "I can't believe you!"

"Let's go," she said, grabbing onto him as she pulled him through the floor.

Peter and Kitty fought their way to the docks and were just about to steal a boat when Danvers and a bunch of agents caught up. "Ms Pryde?" Danvers said. "Do I have to call your mother?"

"I'm taking him and I'm leaving! You can't just hold people," Kitty argued. "You arrested him for no reason! He's not the bad guy!"

All Peter could add was, "Yeah!" Kitty was handling it pretty well without him.

"I didn't arrest him," Danvers said. "I was holding him in protective custody. There's a maniac on the loose and your boyfriend here is a target. But the truth is, I was using him as bait. I thought a public capture of Spider-Man... I thought maybe he'd come after you. But I misread it and now he's out there killing all of these evil clones and his lawyers. Which, obvious jokes aside, I really usually wouldn't mind, but--"

"We got him!" an agent yelled. After a quick strategy session, Danvers took two guns and handed them to Peter and Kitty. "Here! Let's go! You're on the team!"

"We're on the team of what?" Peter asked.

"Who here has Goblin-fighting experience?" Danvers asked. "Who here has super-powers? Let me help, that would only be you two. We're moving out and you're coming."

"We're minors. You're giving guns to minors?" Kitty asked.

"It's not a gun. It's a neuro-neutralizer. Point, shoot, he stops Goblining. In theory," Danvers said. "You're SHIELD agents today, grow a pair."

Peter and Kitty glanced at each other. "We're agents of SHIELD," Kitty said. "I guess we better do something cool."

Peter had given up his neuro-nunny whatever it was, but he was most decidedly doing something cool. Danvers told him where they were going and let him lead the way on his webs. Trailing behind him were a couple dozen SHIELD agents (and his ex-girlfriend) in flying armor and jet cars.

From what Peter heard, now that Norman was back in town, he was taking some time to terrorize his lawyers in an attempt to get his fortune back. Osborn was apparently giant, green, and spewing fire at one of these lawyers and his family right now. So when a couple dozen neural blasts flew through the window at the big bad Goblin, Peter enjoyed it. When he swung into the apartment, he was in full Spidey mode.

"OH MY GOD! NORMAN OSBORN!" Spider-Man yelled as he lead off with a swinging uppercut. "Norman, is that you? What a small world, I can't believe this!" Spider-Man caught sight of Kitty getting the hostages out of the apartment through the floor, so he knew they had achieved their mission objectives. "How've you been, buddy? You look, well, green and Gobliny." Osborn started to get up, his eyes alight with fire. "Uh. He's not down."

Hovering outside the window, Danvers yelled, "He should be down."

"Well, shoulda coulda..." The Goblin charged Spider-Man, who barely leaped out of the way to the ceiling. "Come on, Normy!" Spider-Man covered the Goblin's face in webbing and nailed a dropkick on his head. "What's going on here? Jealous of Octavius? First you have to kill all of his clones, then you steal his schtick by coming into people's homes and trashing all their stuff? You should get some moves of your own! Some signature moves, Normy!" As the Goblin tore the webbing off, Spider-Man launched himself in with a strong punch to the face before flipping away and firing more webbing.

"Like me! I have this new thing where I web your head, then punch you while you're distracted, so..." As Spider-Man landed, his webshooters stopped shooting webs. "Uh."

"Parker!" the Goblin yelled. "This fight wasn't supposed to happen yet! This is not how you and I will-" He was interrupted by a double-fisted attack.

"What? I can't hear you with my fist in your face!" Spider-Man quipped. "To tell you the truth, Normy, I kinda missed you a little. I'm glad you're not dead." He leaped over a punch and continued talking. "Where else can I - oops!" The Goblin managed to grab his leg, swung him around, and threw him out a window with all his strength. As Peter realized that he was going to fall 50 stories with no webs and into the middle of the street so there was nothing to break his fall except for maybe a car, he said the only thing he could. "Crap."

A moment later, he heard a kind of FASHOOM sound from inside the apartment. Where Kitty was with her neuro-neutralizer. And then he saw the Goblin falling out the window as well.

He didn't know what to say in his final few seconds. He wanted to apologize to Zero for breaking his promise to come back to her when this was over. He wanted to tell May to be strong. He wanted to let Mary know that she was so much cooler than him because she survived being thrown by Osborn from somewhere really high up. He wanted to tell his spider-sense to shut up because he KNEW he was in danger, thank you! And he wanted to kindly ask Osborn not to land on him. Or kill him since he was RIGHT THE HELL ABOVE HIM.

He settled for a terrified scream. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!"

He turned himself in midair hoping that he could possibly grab a traffic light before he went splat or the Goblin got a chance to nail him with a fireball of fire. But there was no chance. He was... seeing Kitty closing in?

The impact in on the ground was fantastic. The Goblin's fireball exploded, launching cars and buses several feet into the air and leaving a nice crater in the ground.

Spider-Man and Kitty Pryde, however, were in the sewer. "Uh," Spider-Man said. "What's that smell?"

"That would be us. We're in the sewer underneath the street," Kitty said.

"We're not dead? Because I smell dead."

"I phased you," Kitty said, trying not to breathe any sewer air, which was fairly impossible. "I phased you through the street at the last second."

"You did that for me?" Spider-Man... Peter asked.

"Don't make a thing of it."

"You came to rescue me. You've been kicking butt all night for me," Peter said. "This is the first time I've even seen you since we broke up and-"

Kitty took his hand and used her powers to walk them up to the sewer's ceiling and up to the street. "Let's just go up there and beat the holy green snot out of Osborn."

It didn't take long once they were on the street to realize that Osborn wasn't anywhere around. One of the agents said they saw him bounce before he disappeared.

Spider-Man climbed a light pole to get a higher look, but his spider-sense wasn't going off. There was no danger. Apparently SHIELD was so lame that they couldn't even see where a big, burning green guy bounced to.

Spider-Man dropped back to the street and listened for a moment as Danvers found out that they couldn't track Osborn if he wasn't powered up. He turned to Kitty and said, "You know what? Let's go." Kitty quickly agreed.

"Excuse me?" Danvers said, turning around.

"We're leaving," Spider-Man answered.

"I need your help!"

"You had it!" Spider-Man yelled. "And then you put me in jail and dangled me in front of him like a carrot and STILL I helped you! And then the second I turned my head, you LOST THE BAD GUY! Oh, and you used up all my web fluid being a wise guy and if I HAD it I would have been able to avoid, well..." Peter gestured at the destruction all around them. "ALL OF THIS!"

"Where are you going?" Danvers demanded. "He's out there!"

"We're going home. She has school in four hours. I need sleep."

"But Osborn..."

Spider-Man picked Kitty up by her waist and said, "If I see him, I promise... I'll wait for Nick Fury to get back to the planet Earth and I'll call him."

"Ouch," Kitty said, trying not to smile at the burn to the mean woman.

"Shall we?" With that, Peter leaped to the nearest building and began to climb with Kitty holding on.

"This is much more fun with the webs," Kitty said as Peter climbed.

"Yeah, no kidding," Peter responded.

"And boy, do we smell."

"And wet. Let's not forget wet," Peter said, pulling them onto the roof.

"You do know, we left the crime scene with the crazy guy still running around," Kitty said as she took a seat on the parapet.

"Damn," Peter said, taking his mask off. "I thought he would chase me. I thought he was hiding and would come after me and we could take the fight away from the people."

"Oh, okay. It was a plan. I thought you were just spazzing back there."

"A little of both," Peter admitted. "But you came to my rescue. Very cool."

"Yeah, yeah," Kitty said. "Seriously, don't make a thing of it. What was I supposed to do? You looked so lame getting arrested on TV."

"You know, I'm sorry we ended the way we did," Peter said. "My going to Fandom was such a last minute thing and... I don't think it was fair to either of us."

"I know," Kitty said. "I was being insecure about the distance and... I don't know, I still think we could've made it work. I could've visited..."

"No you couldn't have," Peter said, thinking about a young girl named Kitty Pryde who died a couple months before he arrived in Fandom. "It's... a long story. I'll tell you about it sometime. But that wouldn't have worked.

"Well, whatever," Kitty said. "It was two years ago. I'm going to your old school now - weird, huh? - and I've dated since then... Normal boys, too, who are cool with the mutant thing."

"Good for you. I've been seeing this girl for a couple years. She's pretty cool. I was going to go see her at college this week and... kinda ditched her to come here. Without telling her what's going on. And not updating her since Saturday." Peter sighed. "She's not going to be happy."

"Ouch," Kitty said. "Where's MJ? Aunt May? We should get them somewhere safe."

"They are somewhere safe. Where? I don't know. But safe..."


"Osborn," Peter said. "I am so sick of this guy."

Kitty looked nervous for a moment. "You got somewhere to sleep tonight?"

"I'll sleep at home," Peter said.

"You want to sleep over? Not a... you know, not with our history thing. Just so you have backup, just in case," she said.

"Yeah, uh, no," Peter said.

"Your girlfriend isn't that cool."

"No one is," Peter said.

"She'd rather you get pounced on in your sleep by Osborn?"

"Let's not pull at that string... The entire sweater of my life will unravel." Peter shook his head and put his mask back on. "Come on. I'll get you home. Then I'll try not to die in my sleep."

Kitty held onto Peter as he began to leap from roof to roof. And the list of things that he really didn't want to tell his girlfriend about this trip continued to grow.

[OOC: NFB, NFI, OOC OK, etc. And wow, that's a lot of blatant stealing from Ultimate Spider-Man #115 and 116. No, seriously. Very long post, only a few bits are unique to me. I steal because I love.]

fight, shield, norman, ny, death of a goblin, spring break, kitty, danvers

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