Room 324, Saturday morning

Jan 26, 2008 09:54

As was typical, the first thing Peter did when he got out of bed was check his e-mail. There was nothing that good there. Spam, spam, one thing from Aunt May.

"Send this to ten people in the next hour and you'll have good luck for the next year. If you don't blah blah blah," Peter said to himself. "I don't know why she sends these to me all the time." As he hit 'delete', though, the curse of this particular e-mail was unleashed. Without realizing what was happening, Peter stood up and began to dance. He had no control over it. He needed the dance and the dance needed him. The dance itself was kind of gay.

After dancing for a couple minutes, he made his way over to the common room. He had to spread the joy that he felt.

After today, Peter was going to be more careful about deleting anything his aunt sent him, including chain letters.

[OOC: Establishy. Not for interaction unless the roomie wants to catch him before he heads off.]

internet gives me crackplot, dancing, e-mail

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