Room 324, Late Monday night

Oct 16, 2007 00:25

Right before bed, Peter checked his e-mail.


SUBJECT: Parent's Weekend


I'm sorry, but I won't be able to be there this weekend for your school's parent's weekend. Things in the office have been insane. I won't bore you with the details but I even used my mean voice on my supervisor and it didn't get me out for the weekend. At least you won't have to worry about Norman Osborn this year, right?

Love you and have a good weekend,
Aunt May

Peter was disappointed by that, of course. He would have loved for May to see this insane, insane place. It was probably better for her heart that she didn't, though. He couldn't be sure, but he figured that she wouldn't react all that well to big, blue furry guys no matter how friendly they seemed. And that's when he noticed a second e-mail.


SUBJECT: Parent's Weekend

An e-mail from yourself that you didn't send? Oh, no, who could have sent this? If you need a hint, I know all your passwords and have long hair. If you can figure this out, you get a cookie. But you're buying. And one for me, too.

Anyway, I heard about Aunt May not making it so I figured I should catch up with my favorite DNA donor and visit a Real School.

Also, seriously, change your password to something that applies to you out there so nobody like me only worse can spy on you. Okay?


Peter wasn't sure whether or not this was some kind of violation. By himself, kind of. Oh well, at least he'd be able to try to creep people out with Girl!Him.

As an afterthought, he realized that he didn't want any of his friends to try to hit on her. That would be WAY too weird.

[OOC: Just establishy.]

may, parent's weekend, 324, jessica drew, e-mail

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