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The hospital, Saturday evening peter__parker June 3 2007, 00:14:05 UTC
May was stable, but Peter was still a bit freaked out. He did take the time to change into less messed up clothes, though, so he didn't smell as bad.

[OOC: Same deal.]


Re: The hospital, Saturday evening izzyalienqueen June 3 2007, 00:40:29 UTC
Isabel hated hospitals with a passion. But for Peter's sake, she pushed that aside. "Can I get you anything? A drink? Something to eat?"


Re: The hospital, Saturday evening peter__parker June 3 2007, 00:58:16 UTC
Honestly, he probably did need something, but he wasn't concerned with that at the moment. "Hey. No thanks, I'm fine."


Re: The hospital, Saturday evening izzyalienqueen June 3 2007, 01:05:18 UTC
"Yeah, just fine," Isabel said, already planning a food fun. "How are you doing?"


Re: The hospital, Saturday evening peter__parker June 3 2007, 01:23:55 UTC
"With the day I've had, I'm not completely sure I haven't gone insane and this is some kind of hallucination," Peter said.


Re: The hospital, Saturday evening izzyalienqueen June 3 2007, 01:31:17 UTC
"I'm pretty certain I'm still reasonably sane and I don't think joint hallucinations are possible anyway." She sighed, "I'm sorry. I wish things could have happened differently for you."


Re: The hospital, Saturday evening peter__parker June 3 2007, 01:58:57 UTC
"On the bright side, she's still alive and she knows everything," Peter said. "At least the lies will be over from here on out."


Re: The hospital, Saturday evening izzyalienqueen June 3 2007, 02:03:27 UTC
"It helps. A lot," Isabel told him. "Things with my folks have been so much better since they've learned the truth. It'll be the same for you. I'm sure of it."


Re: The hospital, Saturday evening peter__parker June 3 2007, 02:24:26 UTC
"Now I'm worried that every time I go out I'm going to cause another heart attack," Peter said. There was a silver lining in all of this, but it was a dull silver.


Re: The hospital, Saturday evening izzyalienqueen June 3 2007, 02:36:25 UTC
"You're not. She's strong," she said. "This was just too much at once. But now that she knows, she'll understand."


Re: The hospital, Saturday evening peter__parker June 3 2007, 02:45:05 UTC
"She didn't seem very understanding earlier, before... this," Peter said.


Re: The hospital, Saturday evening izzyalienqueen June 3 2007, 02:58:11 UTC
"What happened?" Isabel asked quietly. "We didn't hear much until you yelled."


Re: The hospital, Saturday evening peter__parker June 3 2007, 03:31:02 UTC
"I don't really want to get into it but she was really hurt by all of the lies and then..." Peter sighed. "I told her everything. Including what happened to my Uncle Ben. My responsibility."


Re: The hospital, Saturday evening izzyalienqueen June 3 2007, 22:11:02 UTC
"Oh Peter," she sighed. "You just need to give her a little time. She loves you. In the end that's what matters."


Re: The hospital, Saturday evening peter__parker June 4 2007, 00:05:09 UTC
"Sometimes she makes it seem like she doesn't even really like me," Peter said.


Re: The hospital, Saturday evening izzyalienqueen June 4 2007, 00:20:29 UTC
"Sometimes I can't stand Max," Isabel admitted. "That doesn't mean I love him any less."


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