Tuesday afternoon:
Peter was trying to find out anything more about that rat creature on the internet when the phone rang. He closed his browser and walked over to the phone only to see a blocked call on the ID.
Peter: "Hello?"
Jamie: "Can I speak to Jennifer Walters please?"
Peter: "Who?"
Jamie: "Jennifer Wal-... Peter?"
Peter: "Jamie?"
Jamie: "Dude! I just got arrested by some guy from the movie with the snakes!"
Peter: "Jamie? How did you get this number? And what are you doing in my universe?"
Jamie: "Apparently your number is the same as Jennifer Walter's in my universe. Know any good lawyers?"
Peter: "The only lawyers I know work for the Kingpin and are dead or in jail. Why'd Fury pick you up anyway?"
Jamie: "Apparently I'm evil here. Possibly British as well. I'm not sure which one insults me more."
Peter: "... Look, I'll do what I can. I'll figure something out. Just don't mess with Fury. He's not a happy man. Didn't get hugged enough as a kid or something."
Jamie: "Should I hug him now?"
Peter: "Not until I get you out of there somehow. You can hug him when you're a free man."
Jamie: "Great. In the meantime I'll avoid making soap jokes and sing a lot of hymns from my cell."
Peter hung up. He couldn't help but wonder whether that was the real Jamie and how exactly he got into this reality anyway. It didn't matter, though. He'd have to go talk to Nick Fury and get Jamie out.
Just what he needed on this trip.
Later that afternoon:
After suiting up, Spider-Man headed straight for Manhattan. He had to go to the Triskelion, wave hi to the Ultimates, and convince the head of the most powerful military force in the world that he hadn't arrested a mutant terrorist, no, he was actually just an alternate reality dork who found himself in the wrong place at the wrong time. "I wonder if I can claim that since I'm the king of dorks, I could claim jurisdiction and get him out of there like that."
And that's when he heard a shriek coming from an alley. "Sorry, Jamie, I guess you'll have to wait a few more minutes." He dropped into the alley and made his presence known with a webshot and a quip. "Excuse me, I need directions. Could you spare a minute to WHOA. What is this, When Furries Attack?"
A large, humanoid... rat. That's what was standing before Spider-Man. It had some blood on its clawed finger nails, matching the scratches on the face of the woman who had presumably shrieked. The creature showed his displeasure with the interruption by throwing a garbage bin at Spider-Man.
Jumping over the bin with ease and richocheting off the building behind the creature, Peter landed a hard punch to the back of its head. "Look, I know Fox hasn't shown those specials since I was in junior high, but still," Spider-Man followed up with a jump kick to the back of the rising creature, "no need throw stuff at me. It's just rude."
The creature hit the wall hard, but turned around quickly with a claw slash that managed to scratch Spider-Man's chest. "Ow! Have you had your shots? Who knows what kind diseases you oh god." Spider-Man was pushed down to the ground under the weight of the creature who now seemed to be trying to eat his face. "Look, I have a girlfriend. Plus, we just met. I don't know what rumors you've heard about me--" Spider-Man had managed to grab the creature's wrists and move his legs to push off the ratman's chest, giving some distance from the pointy teeth. "--but I need to know somebody for at least a day before any part of their mouth touches any part of my face. I mean, I don't even know your name."
"Veeeeeeermiiiiiiiiiiin," the creature hissed.
"Okay, Vernon, here's how we're doing this. You stop trying to have me for dinner--" In one smooth movement, Spider-Man let go of Vermin's wrists, sprung backwards off Vermin's chest, bounced off the wall, and struck with another kick. "--and I'll stop kicking you in the head." Spider-Man landed and immediately hit a flipkick to the head again. "Deal?"
Vermin charged again, thrusting his shoulder into Spider-Man and ramming him into a wall. It turned its head up to bite the hero's arm when a mass of webbing hit its mouth. "You see," Spider-Man said, repostioning himself on the wall to be able to punch downwards with force. "That's what happens," whack, "when you try to go," smack, "too far," spinging punch, "on a blind date!" Spider-Man hit Vermin hit a double-fisted swing once more to the head. He heard a small crack and Vermin fell to the ground.
After taking a moment to make sure Vermin was just unconscious, Spider-Man webbed the creature up and looked to the woman who had been sitting on the ground, paralyzed with fear. "You're okay. It's over. Unless this guy was carrying rabies or something. You should probably get yourself checked out."
"Don't have anything to say, ma'am? And still not moving? Okay, not a problem. I'll be right here on this comfortable wall, calling the police and waiting for them with you while I bleed from the chest. I don't mind, really."
And that's why Peter didn't get to SHIELD that afternoon.
He did
call a friend, though.
[OOC: Phone call preplayed with
multi_madrox. NFB due to distance.]