Room 313, Thursday Morning, just after announcements

Apr 20, 2006 11:31

Peter woke up this morning to the sound of squeaky pi. That was so bizarre that he couldn't get back to sleep. He decided to be a good geek and check his e-mail before doing anything else with his day.


SUBJECT: Re: A favor

Of course. It's prom. Splurge a little. Go rent a tux and get something nice for your date. I'll just count this as part of your birthday present, okay?

And I want pictures. If there aren't any pictures, you're paying me back.

And that's when it became official that Peter had the best aunt ever. He was starting to plan things out when he heard something from the hallway.

"...88659361... YARR... 5338182796 8230301952... AVAST YE MATEY!... 0353018529 68995773..."

Peter glanced at the door. It was still locked. Good.

randomness, may, zero, 313, prom, zordon, e-mail

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