free write gone wild on stupidity

Sep 14, 2006 19:03

thursday nooner, saw a mooner
could have got there if you woke up sooner
m'friend ran up, tried to harpoon her --
bike tire flat so we'd pursue her.

the bike stopped dead and off she went.
she could have fared better if she wasn't bent --
over, she lived of course, her bike lived too,
can't say the same for her tiny cheeked glute.

well she sued of course- my friend, not me
he only defense? (plea) insanity.
"the sight drove me mad", or so he said.
"the 2 bit booty made me crazy in the head".

in the end, they sent him afar
now i go visit him in Dade's juniville hall.
it'll only be two weeks, just for wasting court time.
now do you think random acts are worth your while?


stupid can be funny, as im sure you just read,
but sometimes things get dragged out and exagger~rated.
sometimes simple jokes can get the message across and are usually stronger
these complex jokes take too much effort, i can't keep up much longer.
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