so pretty much I never write lj entries anymore. I guess I got tired of trying to be philosophical, overly emotional, basically whatever you want to label my old entries as. I stopped thinking and I found myself much better off. Sure I still wonder about certain things and sure I still have my issues with things, but I guess I just don't take the effort to express them like I used to. However, I've been complaining about something a lot lately and I figure why not do it up retro-style and write about it.
So I've come to realize that I have a huge issue with extremes. When you look at a situation, opinion, or anything really, you can divide it into two polar sides. Now in the past those used to be minorities, people with extremist views were often disregarded as crazy. However, it seems that that has become less and less the case. Let's take the example that seems to be very prominent suddenly, alcohol. Ok, I drink, I don't drink often, but when I do I tend to get drunk, that's my thing I'm happy with it. I don't have a problem with people who don't drink and I don't only associate with people who drink like I do. My problem lays in the extreme of both sides. If you know me, you know my issue with straightedge kids. If you don't then basically it goes like this, I don't like kids who preach. If you don't drink that's your personal decision and I stand behind that 100 percent, don't tell me how I should live my life. Ok, so with that out of the way, I return to the main point, that being extremes. There have become an overwhelming majority of two kinds of people and quite frankly I'm sick of it, as many people are. There are those who drink on almost a nightly basis and basically disregard anything that doesn't involve alcohol and then there are those who have to inform everyone that they don't drink or do drugs and you're a bad person for doing it... right. As I'm sure everyone knows, I have a girlfriend that is actually straightedge, so now wait a minute wouldn't this be a conflict of interest? No and here's why and what I get pissed about. She doesn't drink so 99% of the time I spend with her is alcohol free. I do not get mad at her for not drinking, I don't blow her off because I want to drink, I don't do anything of that nature. On her side, she doesn't give me too much crap for drinking and is willing to deal with me if I do have a couple drinks, not get mad at me. So what's the cause for this, her and I have found that gray area that has seemingly fallen off the radar screen. There's such a thing as compromise. If you don't drink spend time with your friends even if they're drinking, if you drink take a couple night off and actually spend time with your friends. Things like alcohol should dictate who your friends are, that goes for drugs, political views, religious affiliation, etc etc. Pretty much, make a compromise, if it's really that hard to spend a night without a bottle in your hand then I'm afraid you have much larger issues.
~J summary, that's right it's fucking back, I stopped caring what people think of my journal:
-Extreme views on anything suck, be a bigger person and take the high ground
-Don't let your beliefs get in the way of your friends, if you do, then you're a shitty friend
-I drink, lindsey doesn't, it's not a issue for us, so why is it for other people?
-This didn't just apply to alcohol although I'm sure people will find some reason to think that it is.
-I probably won't write in this too often, so don't worry about it.