flashback to older stuff

Dec 08, 2005 01:03

I had the urge to write tonight, that's usually the case for me, but I've seemed to lose the desire to or maybe even the ability to altogether. I guess it's because I'm happy, I think happiness can hamper philosophical thought, not to mention every entry I used to write about was somehow related to some sort of drama that seemed to weigh heavily on my mind. Such weights no longer exists, and the need to express myself has seemed to cease. I won't delete my journal, I find it fun to post the events of my life as seen through the eyes of my camera, albeit they seem to clash a bit and become rather cliche, but hey that's what I am.

The nighttime has always been interesting to me, I thrive in it. I seem to think more, I seem to just get this way, almost empty, void of all thought. The moment I have a night to myself things seem to go blank. I've never been one to have the conventional thought process, I do my best thinking when I talk to myself. I find I can go on for almost hours at a time holding a one sided conversation to no one. As creepy as that sounds I have the feeling you all do the same thing, but you just call it thinking, mine's the same just at a lower tone and a little out loud. It's funny too, because my mind will skip from one thing to the next in a matter of seconds.

Today I saw Anne Coulter speak, and she is fucking insane. No seriously, if she were to ever advance to a position of power I would probably flee the country in fear. She's a nazi, she seems like a reincarnation of Adolf Hitler and that's no joke. She embraces the Confederate Flag, wants to do away with the emancipation proclamation, take away woman's right to vote and also that they are financially irresponsible (yeah supposedly she's female?), invade any country that is deemed "threatening" to the United states, and unite the country under a single Christian following. Each of those things I just said were in fact repeated in her "speech" tonight, which really just consisted of her telling the same hate speech against liberals which consisted of only the following in a cyclical fashion: Wade Churchill, Michael Moore, partial birth abortion, and liberal stupidity. She danced around every question she was asked and would come back with the same line every single time "oh liberals were working on that for 2 months and that's the best the could come up with." I guess what scared me the most is that people actually embraced her and supported her. Granted, it was only like the first 4 rows, but they supported this, they embraced everything she said. A girl even ended her question with, "we love you Anne." Let me just repeat that, a girl ended a question with "we love you Anne." If you don't see my amazement with this refer back to my previous list of things she supported, yeah the whole woman should basically be objects with no voice of their own. Honestly, it scared me that people support her philosophies and embraced the hate that she proclaimed, she claimed that she would denounce a son if he were to be gay, yet claims that she supports a country in which everyone is equal, apparently it's the animal farm mentality of "some are more equal than others."

So yeah that definitely shocked me, I went there expecting some good political discussion, and all that came out were crappy liberal jokes. I guess the good news is that we rattled her. Someone started playing "kyle's mom is a bitch" from south park and we started a huge "you suck" chant, it was glorious. It cut her speech down to about 20 minutes and she went right into Q and A, in which we compared her to saddam hussein and hitler, and of course she danced around it.

I guess that's been weighing on my mind tonight, it amazes me the ignorance of people, it's scary, it truly is.

I see lindsey in 10 days, I will see her on her birthday, I'm really excited about that because I want to make it really really awesome for her, she deserves it.
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