In honor of Sunhawk16

Apr 04, 2019 18:55

I haven't posted in years but I still check in periodically.  And while I don't read Gundam Wing anymore (we're a dying fandom, our heyday far over) this post came across today on a tumblr I follow and it made me laugh, think of the good old days and mourn the passing of one of the greatest writer's in the fandom.

So in rememberence of sunhawk16 who did so much for us, a little something to make you all smile.


One of these days I wanna show someone just the basic character designs from Gundam Wing and see if they can figure out just what the genre is. Because honestly, without context I don’t think I’d know what the fuck to think even just looking at the main 5 pilots. Never mind when you toss in all the old school military outfits.

Honestly all the robotless images google gave me have different vibes. I know nothing about gundam wing except robot suits are involved somehow but if I ignore the robot suits I get a few options.

1) Mafia

This is the first image google gave me and my first thought is mafia: the two boys in the front are enforcers, the one with slicked back hair is the boss, the lady on the left is an ambiguous ally, the lady (?) on the right is the detective in charge of catching them all, and for some reason there are two edgy clowns on top who can’t find their circus. Main character with the gun is pbbly conflicted about staying with the mafia, and smirky love interest to the left is not making it easy to leave.

2) Elite Squad

Not much to say, they’re the best of the best. Center boy is the serious commander, far right is the serious soldier who wonders who teamed him up with flirty boy, smirky boy is too cool for this and having the time of his life, blonde boy doesn’t know how he got here but is determined to do well, far left boy is just a normal soldier with good hair.

3) I dunno none of them belong in the same anime

They took a ragtag group of high school boys to fight in robots. Center boy is the star jock at his school but never smiles, pbbly in the track club, belongs in a sport anime. The one with the pink shirt is perpetually confused and was in the host club, belongs in a romance anime. The one on the far left is a serious martial artist and insults people by accident, probably a loner who comes off as arrogant, belong in a superpower martial arts anime. The smirky one with long hair is a popular boy, a flirt, pbbly well off and secretly a great martial artist who acts like an airhead, belongs in an anime with political intrigue and rich backstabbing. The one on the right is a model, no one knows why he still goes to school when he could have an international modeling career, belongs in a dramatic romance anime about modeling.

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