Hello Kiddies,
There's a
song by that name by Green Day that was a hit a few summers ago. While I never had any particular love for Green Day, it's resonated with me somehow. The end of the summer is a bittersweet time. I love the summer. Less people on the road makes getting to work easier, warm weather, comfortable clothes, women in less, and of course not a snowflake to be found. When my birthday comes, I always know that the summer is approaching its twilight and fall will soon be here. September for me is a rather emotionally filled month full of the promise of rebirth and many memories of good things past. Of course
my first KISS concert was in September, and two defining events in my scene life also took place in September. BR Second Coming, and the first Dark Odyssey camp I ever attended. Statistically speaking, this has probably been my most enjoyable summer season in several years. I know last summer happened, but it is somehow lost from memory. That's also been a stark contrast, the triumphs of this year in my recovery from the absolute shit bomb my life had become last year. The sick thing is, I really couldn't tell you how I did it. I mean I know there was work involved, but it seems like a natural progression. Most people have commented how I'm 'me again', and somehow I think that's accurate. I feel like myself. My better self, and things are materializing in the strangest of ways and places. When I cut my hair, I really felt like a part of myself was going to be gone and I would be 'less me' somehow. It has turned out of course not to be the case. I just let go of another trapping.
There's anotner song that I have found to be a very apt description of some parts of my life,
ELO's Strange Magic. I've made wonderful new connections, nurtured old ones, and even let some go. Serendipity also decided to visit for Labor Day weekend as a surprise. I need to have a conversation with the guy with the cigar and pink tutu. I've felt myself entering one of those more introspective phases where I am a bit more quiet. Still, I would like to write more and will try to discipline to do that.
What's it all mean? Damned if I know, but life is good. Here's hoping it stays that way for a while. Here's our mandatory 1979 KISS Video. It's not typical but it is ironic since I am about to drop off to sleep. :)
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