Hello Kiddies,
We made it through another one! Both a year and another holiday season! Work today was a brutal piece as has become the New Years custom. New Year's week was for many years one of the least busy times, now because of different factors it has become one of the busiest and most hectic times. The snow today made it more fun, but still finished and made the early curfew. We shipped over 200,000 cases in 4 days so there will be lots of happy drunk people this weekend. When you toast tonight, remember the fine folks who bring the cheer all year round!
This year seemed to suck for a great many reasons, however I cannot in retrospect say it was all bad. There were some really great times with great people, a few nice flings here and there and even one that turned into a nice (if brief) relationship. I was reading posts from NYE's past, and was struck at the differences and similarities of them. Memories of activities and partners over the years (most prominently
fluxinflutter and
teediggy). Celebrations past and the things that seemed important at the time. I will be spending this NYE quietly (relatively anyway) among some close family and Asti Spumante. We already had
the Octopus, which is a New Year's treat!
Normally one reflects on things they did or did not do, or make resolutions they will or won't keep. I generally do not make resolutions because I find the idea to be silly. That would mean you are resolving yourself to do something, as if you didn't want/need to. I try to keep my goals and expectations relatively within reach and not set myself up to fail. I'm also not in the regret business. That said, there are some things I should probably work on more than others. I need to maximize my opportunites and use my resources better. This year I got very distracted by the bright and shinies (waves hi to the ones reading >wink<), and lost sight of important stuff. I make it a point not to sweat the little things, but found myself almost consumed by things (and people) that in the grand scheme of things don't really matter. So as I enter my 38th(!) year of life, farther than I ever thought I would get, I will remember my successes and learn from my mistakes and fly baby fly! No one has a guarantee, and I will cherish the days as they come.
When I was leaving for work today, I grabbed a CD that I hadn't played in a while but
remains a favorite.
The opening track on it has a nice way of slapping me upside the head with a nice dose of perspective (it has a great riff too!). I'll share it here.
The Lament Of Desmond R.G. Underwood-Frederick IV
Words and Music by Steve Taylor
Ah, the news of my impending death
Came at a really bad time for me
Yeah, the news of my impending death
Any other day might have been okay
I was starting to track with my inner guide
I was getting in touch with my feminine side
But when the doctor starts whistling "Happy Trails"
Tends to take a bit of wind out of the old sails
Desi Ray, if I may be so blunt
Galahad, bag your agnostic front
Underwood, hire a good undertaker
Freddie, get ready to meet your maker
Ah, the news of my impending death
Came at a really bad time for me
I was far too young to depreciate
When they read me my expiration date
I'd built Iron Man stalls in the northern wild
I'd played Cabbage Patch dolls with my inner child
Now I'm getting sealed bids for a granite vault
And I'm pretty sure this is my parents' fault
Desi Ray, if I may be so blunt
Galahad, bag your agnostic front
Underwood, hire a good undertaker
Freddie, get ready to meet your maker
Ah, the news of my impending death
Came at a really bad time for me
When they cancel your breathing policy
Tends to steal a bit of the old joie de vivre
I'd just found the lost key to my mythic life
So I bravely shook free of my kids and wife
I had seminars booked as a second career
Until a still, small voice screamed loud and clear
Desi Ray, if I may be so blunt
Galahad, bag your agnostic front
Underwood, hire a good undertaker
Freddie, get ready to meet your maker
Desi Ray, if I may be so blunt
Galahad, bag your agnostic front
Underwood, hire a good undertaker
Freddie, get ready to meet your maker
Well this rambled on a mighty bit didn't it? If ya'll are still reading after that, I love you. Happy New Year and may blessings in abundance to you and yours! See yah next DECADE!!